I was recently watching a TikTok where a girl was saying how she hates when she’s at a wedding where her husband is in the bridal party. Then saying how jealous she gets when she sees him walking down the isle with a bridesmaid at the end of the ceremony. Then all the comments were filled with other women saying this also makes them super jealous and they hate it. I find that so odd. This has never bothered me whatsoever. My husband and I have both been a part of bridal parties with out each other and we’ve never even discussed it. So, does this make you jealous? Is it a trust issue thing? I was just so shocked by the amount of people who are bothered by this!

  1. I think it’s a combination of a lot of things.
    Personal communication and relationships between the husband and wife, whose wedding it is, who is husband walking down the aisle with, wife’s self esteem and confidence, husband’s behavior and attitude towards the bridesmaid. Etc.

    A little jealousy is also healthy as it shows you care.

    Life is a balance

  2. No. This would not bother me at all and as a person who has done this, you should realize how little it means, how little you interact with that person. It’s just playing a short little role to help support your friend.

  3. I once watched a TikTok where a woman literally snuck out the back door of a first date 5 minutes into in because the man she was with took a single sip of his water through a straw. She excused herself, and snuck out. She was serious. She was proud of herself. It had over a million likes and thousands of comments, all supportive of what a “red flag” that was.

    TikTok creates little echo chambers, where people find support for every little personality flaw. I wouldn’t read into it.

  4. That sounds like exactly the sort of level of maturity I would expect from a TikTok video.

  5. I call it the TikToxification of a generation. Bunch of demagogues parading as experts in relationships, yet can’t seem to figure out why they’re always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

  6. I think I would feel a little bit of something simply because my husband and I had the covid wedding experience, no bridal party, no aisle to walk together. But I think that jealousy would be aimed more at the couple getting the wedding I would have preferred, not at the random woman assigned to my husband by height or whatever choices the bride and groom made to arrange their party. I’d probably ask him later if he thought his bridesmaid was attractive, and make fun of the answer either way.

  7. I haven’t been in this situation, but I’m pretty sure that this wouldn’t bother me at all. I feel like a relationship with so little trust is just ridiculous.

  8. No. Wouldn’t make me jealous at all. A wedding is a ceremony. Walking out arm in arm with a bridesmaid is just done… it’s not like they are together as a couple or anything. LOL People are just weird.

  9. I saw a tiktok of the opposite – the husband was making a face when his wife was coming down the aisle with a groomsman. I thought it was funny. It’s nothing to actually be jealous about (and if there is jealousy there might be some trust issues) but I might make a teasing comment about it in jest to my husband.

  10. It’s probably an insecurity/ trust issue. I would have no problem with this at all. But I fully trust my husband.

  11. They are literally just walking together, then your husband or wife comes to join you the rest of the night typically. But I’m not surprised about other people turning nothing into something. It’s a sport nowadays.

  12. nope. I think if you are jealous over simple things you have a lot of insecurities.

    The one thing i do hate about being in a wedding are the fake bridal party couple photos. those always seem weird. i don’t want to take pics like i’m at prom with this woman i don’t know.

    that and being separated from my wife for so much of the day wether she’s in the party or i am. I want to be there celebrating having fun with her. but i do get that is part of it and I accept that. but spending all that money and arranging child care etc to not be with the person i want to party with the most i find annoying. It’s also tough when you or your partner don’t know anyone else at the wedding. we both make friends easily but still it’s a thing we have to deal with.

    my wedding was different in the sense that most people had a partner or were good friends with the other person.

  13. I have no problem with it at all. Its not about the Bridal Party but the Bride/Groom. Combining/Uniting Two Familes. By having the Bridal Party walk together it is symbolic of that. Uniting two families.

  14. Husband here 👋🏻

    I don’t think I’d be jealous, but I’d wish I was beside my amazing beautiful wife! That, yes ☺

    Not that it’s bad to admire her from a distance, but I’d prefer being closer, being able to hear her, talk, see her smile and lend her my arm!

    (I don’t have tiktok, nor any plans on getting it, so I am clueless to most of the daily new odd things some start as a thing.. I get to know from other platforms once it turns into a wildfire, without burning my patience with nonsense.. the pearls that are actually good, do get shared by others outside the platform anyway, so it’s perfect heheheh)

  15. I don’t understand women like that in general tbh. I don’t like that competitive, catty shit. Like chill, we all get old one day.

  16. That sounds like a toxic human being. I’ve been a bridesmaid in a wedding, my husband’s been best man at one, and a groomsmen in two others. It never occurred to me to be jealous of him walking down the aisle with one of the bridesmaids. I just think about how good he looks in a suit and how it’s nice to see him in formal wear lol

  17. I have been in this situation several times! My husband has many guy friends who have asked him to be in their wedding parties. While I’ve never been jealous watching him walk down the isle with some very lovely bridesmaids, I have felt a bit left out in the few weddings where he’s been seated far away from me with the wedding party. It kinda stinks sitting alone with a bunch of strangers while he’s being pulled into pictures and stuff all night.

    But I suck it up and try and enjoy myself until he is finally released of his duties.

  18. My husband has been in several weddings and it usually doesn’t bother me a bit. HOWEVER for one ceremony he was walking down the aisle with a very short petite blonde woman. He’s 6’3″ and big/muscular. SO many people around me were commenting how “cute” they looked. How she was so tiny & he was so big, it was “adorable”, they make such a cute couple, she’s “looks like tinkerbell” blah blah. That did make me feel sad, my tall self, sitting on the sidelines, hearing strangers clamor over “the cute couple” 😖

  19. I’m 95% sure that the bridesmaid that walked down the aisle with my husband a few years back had a thing for him a long time ago (she’s married now with kids) and I was 110% unbothered.

    However – I was very much so bothered by a “mutual friend” (using “” because I know she’s fake to me) who was also a bridesmaid but with another groomsman going out of her way to ignore me and run over and hug all over him lol and he knows about it and immediately felt awkward. She was best friends with his ex wife a while ago (decade before I was even in the picture) so I always figured that’s why.

  20. Walking with someone else in the bridal party? No, not at all. Not being able to sit with him during dinner though would make me feel some type of way – not jealousy but I’d definitely feel slighted by it, to be quite honest.

  21. I mean this isn’t really a thing in the UK.

    If I got the distinct idea that he was being actively paired up with someone to set them up (think a ton of BM/GM dances), rooming together and sat together all evening and I had genuine reasons to think the bride or groom was trying to pair them up? Or if there were weird wedding party couple photos? Or if I hot the string impression he was paired with someone who wanted him desperately and was handsy with him? Yeah that would be weird. I’d ask for them to be paired with someone else.

    Otherwise, just walking down the aisle with a random? No. I personally think pairing up groomsmen and bridesmaids is pointless and weirdly couple-y. Our best men were married and I had no intention to pair them up with my siblings lol.

    I do think the wedding party should be sat with their SOs for dinner, though. That’s what I did for my wedding.

  22. Just more TikTok BS that the general population doesn’t feel. No, that would’ve never made me jealous, it’s a mere formality and part of the ceremony. Literally nothing personal.

  23. I wouldn’t be. Granted, I was the one in a wedding party for my brother’s wedding. Picturing my husband in a wedding party instead, I’d just shrug it off. We chose each other.

    A 2 hour interaction where they’re only beside each other for maybe 10 minutes while being watched by others is an odd thing to get jealous over.

    I trust my spouse, and he trusts me. That’s enough for me.

  24. I wouldn’t mind it. But recently my husband and I were both in a wedding party and the bride didn’t pair us up for the ceremony. She put us with other people in the wedding party and we thought that was weird. We’ve been married seven years and the people we were paired with are single. Also, the wedding party pairs did a dance together in the reception.

    Idk, we just both preferred to be with each other. He asked if we could be paired together and she said yes. She said she just didn’t think about? So maybe we are the odd ones out. It was nice to have the pictures together too.

  25. Ugh. I actually had this come up for my wedding.

    My BIL was mad that my sister (my MOH) would be walking down the aisle with the Best Man (my husband’s bff). He would bring it up to her every few weeks or so in the year before the wedding. She even wound up asking him if he really thought she was going to get to the end of the aisle and decide to run off with this near total stranger a decade her junior and abandon her son and husband. He only let up after he was introduced to him and, I guess, decided he wasn’t a threat. The whole thing was so ridiculous.

    8 months before our wedding, my husband was a groomsman for a friend of his. I watched him walk up and down the aisle with a relative of the bride (arms linked, unlike in our wedding where they walked in separately then just walked next to each other out), and my only thought was how nice they looked.

    It’s just such a stupid thing to worry about.

  26. I was actually in this situation. My husband was best man and I was asked to be a bridesmaid (not MOH). In my opinion, my husband should have walked out with the MOH because that’s the order we were standing in.

    However, the groom was my stepson, the MOH was the bride’s sister, and her brothers were also groomsmen (a second sister was also a bridesmaid). The bride wanted me to pair up with my husband so that her siblings could be paired up for the recessional.

    My stepson’s maternal side was mostly excluded from the wedding party while we and all the bride’s family were included. So for me, it was just kind of awkward being a bridesmaid to start with and then to be extra noticeable when we were paired up to walk out after the ceremony, when his mom was asking if she’d be escorted to her seat and was told no. Like, I know why no one likes his mom, but I was taught to hide the family grievances better than that.

    So, no, I would not have been jealous of my husband walking with someone else. I **did** love walking with him despite the additional awkwardness, but if I had to choose between walking with him and no awkwardness, I’d have chosen for him to walk with the MOH.

  27. It doesn’t bother me on like a deep level, but seeing my husband arm in arm with someone who’s not me (or family/close friend) does make me bristle a little lol. Kind of just like…”hey that’s MY husband”. Probably a little also because he looks so handsome in a suit and tie. But it does not cause any trust issues in me, more so just a “i wish that was me on his arm” feeling. But overall really not serious.

  28. At most I can see it making them feel like they wish were able to experience this with their husbands or feeling a little bit left out but I don’t understand jealousy from possessiveness in this context.

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