I lost my virginity a few days ago, so obviously I bled and it was ALOT like a lot of blood! That’s fine because I know I’ve lost my virginity meaning my hymen broke, so ok cool yk! After I break my hymen I freak out and he says we can sleep, so we did. Next day we try to have sex again and I bled. AGAIN! So I bled on the second time I tried to have sex.

Is that normal??????

It hurt so much both times, the day before and after.

Is it normal to bleed the second time you have sex?

  1. “Bleeding ALOT” can be confusing— a teaspoon of blood mixed with vaginal fluid my appear much more than it really is — likely just a small vaginal canal tear — when you are aroused the blood flushes to the vagina so it bleeds — also the sexual penetration can prevent the clotting — or dislodge the following day if sexual activity. Doesn’t sound like that big of a problem and just stop if it gets too painful. Try to get the male to wash hands and penis before entry…

  2. The hymen area probably wasn’t fully healed yet. Also, if you aren’t fully lubricated, you can create small surface tears in your vagina, particularly if the guy is girthy.

  3. I recently lost my virginity, I was bleeding A LOT same as I on cycle it’s took me 4 days until I stop bleeding, and took me 2 weeks to fully healed. I can tell from it’s hurt when I’m outwork.

    I was hurts as I got injured, sex never less painful but that for me who only experienced it for 3 times 😅

  4. there’s no reason you should bleed or experience pain from sex. if you did tear your hymen (not break) then it definitely did not have time to heal in 24 hours, but you may also have not been physically aroused enough (look up vaginal tenting), not using enough lube, or may have vaginismus or something else going on. if your body tells you to stop then you should stop!

  5. I had sex multiple times with someone who was above average and never broke my hymen, a year or two later I had sex with someone else who was probably pretty similar in size and he broke it so🤷🏻‍♀️ i think it’s just something that is really unique to everyone

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