My husband will not have sex with me on my period which sucks. It’s never bothered past relationships – so I’m curious how many couples do vs don’t?

  1. We do. We just lay a towel on the bed to be safe, but even that usually doesn’t get messy anyway. Doesn’t feel that much different, and it really helps my wife with her cramps, so why not? Just shower afterwards and you’re all set.

  2. we’ve done it on my last couple days of the cycle as kong as it wouldn’t be too messy and i wasn’t bleeding too much or nothing

  3. My wife doesn’t like it, but I will absolutely do it 10/10 times I don’t care red wings.

  4. I don’t like sex in the middle of my period when it is heavier. I’m defintely not in the mood. Sometime I do it though when it’s slowly coming on or tapering off. I often “spot” the first and sometimes even the second day of my period and on the sixth day too. Mine takes a while to build up and taper off.

  5. I still go down on her. I don’t bury my face in there but tongue on clit is no different then any other day of the month. She uses tampons and not pads so she ain’t sitting in it all day. And it’s probably only after a shower…. I don’t keep track but she would care.

    Early on in our relationship we would pretend like we weren’t gonna do it and do ‘other things’ but it would get so hot and heavy it had to happen. Now we just nasty I guess. Oh well.

  6. When I wanna fuck I really don’t care, get in the shower and have some wet n wild sex.

  7. We do. My husband used to be grossed out by it, and then one day he just said fuck it. Now my period is so screwed up in bleeding in some capacity 90% of the time so glad he isn’t bothered.

  8. Never have, never will. I hardly want to be touched on my period let alone have sex.

  9. Husband here. Just lay a towel down and have wet face towels around. Problem solved

  10. We pass. I have 2-3 day periods so it’s not a big deal to wait it out.

  11. My wife and I don’t have sex on her period because neither of us enjoy it. It’s no problem to take a week off; we both have medium sex drives anyway.

  12. We do. My husband doesn’t really care whether I’m on or off my period. He even goes down on me which I’m shy about because you know.. but he’s like “get over here” everytime.

  13. My wife won’t let me touch her with a 10 foot pole during her period. It’s a No Go zone.

  14. My wife is self conscious about her period so most times sex is a no go. Maybe if it’s just begun or it’s almost over. It doesn’t bother me one way or another. I just respect her wishes.

  15. We do but then again we have sex every night due to high libidos so yeah some blood for five days ain’t gonna stop us lol

  16. Nah, I feel so awful for the majority of my cycle that sex doesn’t appeal to me at all

  17. We don’t but my husband is generally pretty grossed out by vaginas and especially grossed out by periods.

    Before anyone comments, yes our sex life is abysmal.

  18. Woman here. We’ve done it a couple of times, usually towards the end of a period so there’s not much going on down there. Honestly, it’s really not for me. I know a lot of people say it helps with their cramps but it’s the total opposite for me. I’m sore, uncomfortable, bloated etc and I really don’t want to be touched sexually. So period time is usually blowjob time and we’re both happy with that.

  19. Generally, if we aren’t snapping at each other during my wife’s period, we’re probably banging.

    Never much of a mess, and we just shower after anyways.

    I personally think guys need to grow a pair and step up instead of being squicked out by a little blood, but you do you.

    Edit: Thanks for the award! I’ll keep fighting the good fight. Who’s with me?

  20. We do and used to use a towel and not typically during the day since it’s hard not to be distracted by the mess. Now I use menstrual discs instead. Absolutely zero mess during sex. But if you use condoms as your only birth control they are more likely to break with a disc.

    I’d be okay with my husband not wanting to partake in period sex of course. But with the discs it’s really no problem. He said he can feel it sometimes but not enough to be a bother.

  21. My husband doesn’t. I like to start from the back, and he says that it smells like pennies when I’m flowing lol which is fair enough.

  22. Yes. It is one of our most favourite times to have sex. Period sex is amazing. It is much more intimate, primal and vulnerable. It helps us to really connect on a deeper level.

  23. I think my husband would be open to it but I don’t like it. Penetration makes my cramps worse

  24. Does not interest me in the slightest. It can wait. And that comes from both of us.

  25. I dont. I used to do but its way too messy and uncomfortable to change positions while trying not to make a mess. My wife doesnt like too, even though she is horny as hell on those days

  26. I have PCOS and irregular periods. I literally got my period on my wedding day and we just rolled with it. It all depends how I’m feeling and I don’t like it on my heaviest day, but otherwise it’s not a big deal.

  27. Very rarely because I am moody and usually not into it until the last day of my period. If we do it’s usually in the shower.

  28. I’m so overstimulated on my period and hate being touched at all during it so it’s a no go 🙅‍♀️

  29. My husband won’t. I have a wand I just use literally every day I’m on my period lol even sometimes 2-3 times in a day. My hormones go crazy.

  30. The Flex disc has been an absolute life changer for me! I don’t like to have sex on my heavy bleeding days, but once it calms down, the disc makes sex less messy and definitely more fun.

  31. Is something my husband and I do more recently. In the first years of dating it was a no but about 4 years in it stopped mattering as much. As mentioned does amazing for my cramps and the orgasms are crazy due to hormone levels. Always feel lightheaded and euphoric afterwards 😂

  32. It depends on how I feel. Usually my uterus is so sensitive that the thought of sex makes me hurt. But my normal period is only 3 days long so not a big deal to avoid it.

    After having my daughter in January, my 2nd and 3rd periods so far have lasted a month each with mostly light bleeding and no pain. There is no way I’m not having sex for over a month after just abstaining for 6 weeks while healing. That would be really frustrating for the both of us!! Now we just do it whenever we want to and clean up afterwards if needed.

  33. With just a tiny bit of preparation, sure. Take a shower, set the towel, ready!

    If it’s the first day she might not really be in the mood or we do not do it first thing in the morning, but otherwise no blockers.

    Sex is also oral, anal, cuddling, all of the above combined…

  34. I honestly don’t think I would marry someone who wouldn’t have period sex with me. Their preference is valid and their boundaries are fine, but I wouldn’t choose a life partner who wouldn’t do that with me. My cycle is one of the most inherently natural things on earth, and the source of life, especially any life we might ever grow together. I couldn’t take a life partner who made that out to be ‘gross’ in any way.

    Plus, I’m one of those who’s MORE horny on the period, lol. Ain’t no way

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