I love my boyfriend, but i can’t help but feel a bit jealous of my girlfriends’ relationships. Every single one of my girlfriends has a boyfriend who loves to spoil them, take them on nice dates, and pay for everything (even when they’re broke.)

I don’t expect this from my boyfriend all the time, but it would be nice to be treated from time to time. My boyfriend doesn’t like to spend a dime and almost every conversation we have revolves around money. Mind you, he makes double my salary and doesn’t pay any bills (he still lives at home).

I really didn’t think i was the kind of person that cared about money or materialist things, because i care more about someone’s character. But after hearing about my friends’ relationships, i’ve been feeling unsatisfied and comparing my relationship to theirs.

  1. Comparing anything about you to others is the death of happiness and contentment. You only see what’s visible to the public as opposed to what really is going on. And it’s natural not to like your bf being cheap or stingy, but I guess it depends on his motivations and circumstances.

  2. Why dont you take him out, its your interests not his just set up a fancy date

  3. Fuck that shit, bounce girl. He makes double and is being tight ass about his girl.

  4. Try to imagine switching your situation around with your friends’. Would you be ok with your friends’ partners treating them the way you’re being treated in your relationship? Or would you tell them they deserve a partner who won’t obsess about money in “nearly every conversation,” will be willing to split costs evenly with them, and will go out of their way to treat them to a sweet little gift or date now and again? Just something to consider. Good luck! ❤️

  5. The problem is not about your friend’s relationship, it’s about your cheap BF. He has to pay half of the bill, no matter what.tbh your relationship isn’t good. He isn’t love u and no self esteem.

  6. I feel like we are not getting the whole spill here. The way you paint him obviously make us want to root against him but there’s always two sides.

  7. Your boyfriend is cheap.. Pls breakup with him. Else you will be feel bad in your entire life

  8. Comparison is the thief of joy but what are u talking about specifically about money in every conversation?

  9. He’s probably saving for college or a downpayment. I wish I would have been tighter with money when I was a young warthog.

  10. Your bf sounds like a reasonable guy that takes his finances seriously. He doesn’t owe you anything especially to spend his well earned money on you. If you want to be spoiled time to time leave him alone and find a sugar daddy. There’s plenty of them.

  11. Your boyfriend sounds like a spoiled brat of a kid. Not sorry. I’m 35 years old and reading your responses to others about him screams spoiled rich kid syndrome… and he sounds like a 13 year old boy. Makes more then you and expects you to buy him expensive gifts and pay for everything but won’t take you on a friggin date even though he pays for nothing living at his parents house…Girl…. You can do better then baby boy. You deserve better. You should feel special. Even if there isn’t money involved, he could plan a “free” date. The fact he takes the time to PLAN is what matters. He can’t even do that. GIRL!

  12. He’s not ready to be in a relationship if he can’t even show appreciation for you (we are talking bare minimum). Talk to him about how you feel and if he doesn’t change, dump him.

  13. Leave him, find someone who’s willing to spoil you! Don’t know the whole story here of course and I think it’s not fair for him that you’re comparing your relationship with the ones of others instead of dealing with this with your own guy

  14. Well lets think about this. Your boyfriend is selfish and cheap. It is not normal for a guy to not spend any money on a woman. Why is he still living at home? How old is he? What do you think he will be like if you ever live together?

    My BFF has been in a 10-11 yr relationship with a younger guy who outearns her 2-3 times and he is 1 cheap MF. He insists all bills be split 50/50. He owns the house..she doesnt…and when they go out I rarely see him pick up a tab its always split. On her 50th birthday they went to a theme park out of state and she had to save for a year to afford it..most high income boyfriends would have paid for all or most of the trip for her 50th but not him. He just paid cash for a new car..she barely makes her bills.

    It drives me insane. She is broke because she cant keep up with his lifestyle when she has to pay her own way most of the time. Her parents think its wierd…so do I….so does everyone even his sister says he is cheap and selfish but this is acceptable and ok to her because its better than being alone I guess.

    I would not like this at all.

  15. I was out of work because of surgery and still found ways to see and treat my last girlfriend. She tried giving me money and I refused. She would buy random gifts and while it was uncomfortable, I reluctantly (although graciously) accepted them. I was a literal homeless trainhopper a few years ago. I’m here to say as someone who was a legit bum, he can do better and at least pay half.

  16. You get to decide who you date. But you don’t get to change the people you date into what you want them to be.

    So accept you are dating Scrooge Mc Duck. Or break up and date someone new.

  17. Sounds like your a gold digger hopefully your man finds someone who will actually value him.

  18. Also just because he makes a amazing salary and lives at home is a smart move do you know how much he’s saving in rent? Secondly your a grown woman being in a relationship doesn’t mean you are to be taken care of like a child. Grow the fuck up.

  19. Grass is not always greener on the other side. You don’t know how their relationship is behind closed doors.

  20. Just saying, I think that’s why your friend’s boyfriends are broke and yours makes double the salary…

  21. Omg. Why are you dating a loser miser ??? Honestly these guys that are tighter than 2 coats of paint suck soooooo bad.

  22. I had a girlfriend for a long time (about a five year-long relationship that ended recently) and she felt the same way, in particular she would wonder why I wasn’t spending money to take us on vacations or get an apartment. Her cousin was in a relationship with a guy for two years at the time and they were doing all these things. I’m about to buy a house (hopefully closing this summer) and her cousin is over 20k in credit card debt, not including student loans, so sometimes delayed gratification is worth it.

  23. Digger of gold, find someone else who can spoil you then. I think your bf is smart and saving money and careful on what he spends on.

  24. WOW

    Do you really love him or are you just after a meal ticket

    If BF reads this he’ll probably dump you


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