Do you believe that today’s men’s fashion overall is “boring?” Why?

  1. >Do you believe that today’s men’s fashion overall is “boring?”



    Because I don’t care about fashion

  2. Why is it boring?

    As someone that went to art school, worked for fashion clients in the past and generally enjoys dressing well, fashion for men is better than it’s ever been because there’s actual demand for it.

    Ten years ago, most fashion houses didn’t even make menswear stuff. An argument can be made that fashion (in terms of options and variety for men) is the most it’s ever been

    Bear in mind that there’s a difference between fashion as a concept, and what (I’m assuming you’re talking about) people actually wear in their day to day.

    I say this, because I do notice that a lot of my male friends who err towards being pretty basic and utilitarian for what they end up buying and dressing as.

    But that doesn’t have to do with fashion as a concept; I can’t control my friend who chooses to just buy all his clothes from Costco. Dior doing a show in Milan isn’t going to change my friend wearing only white shirts and jeans every day

  3. As long as you don’t go too overboard, it doesn’t much matter what you wear as long as it complements your body and you wear it well.

    Same as women’s fashion. A 9/10 chick in a $4 thrift store dress will absolutely destroy a 5/10 in a custom tailored fashion statement.

  4. Nah there’s plenty of great masculine fashion choices available. The only people who would say that are men who dress in a boring way

  5. Yes. Because I find most fashion boring as can be for myself. I dress for comfort and utility. So dressing to look good is a rarity in my life, and usually means I’m going to an event where it’s expected, which means I have a 50/50 chance of being bored af.

  6. Yes… I realized this when one day I decided to make a female character in saints row 3. And I was surprised with the fashion choices and combinations.

  7. People can wear anything they want, so it’s up to the people to dress how they like

  8. Everybody wanna look too gangsta, but when you dress and look both classic and gangsta you become super papi

  9. Pencil skirts don’t work roofing. Sundresses don’t work in a coal mine. flare bottom pant is no good for logging. But good ol blue jeans work for all three. sorry we’re boring

  10. I would say it is boring compared to the variety that you see in women’s clothing

  11. Not at all, but I’m exhausted with the clownery that athletes and rappers wear.

    Young men emulate them the most and it’s crazy to see how these dudes are coming outside.

    I was looking at one of Jude Bellinghams stories a few weeks ago and i realized he had a shopper. She put together her all his looks and all these other footballers looks and it’s so apparent

    These guys are 6ft and up world class elite athletes dressed like teenage girls.

    Drives me nuts.

  12. What exactly about men’s fashion is boring nowadays, genuinely curious

  13. Of course not. We have utili kilts, tactical fanny packs, and bandoliers for various sauces. How could that be boring?

  14. Nope, yesterday I wore my gray plain t-shirt, but today I wore the blue t-shirt with a pocket! But seriously, no, there are tons of options, I think most guys just don’t care that much.

  15. We do have trouble accessorizing.

    I’m bringing back the codpiece for this reason.

  16. Only if you make it boring. There are a ton of options, you just gotta have the balls to rock it.

  17. Because society isn’t ready for me to dress like a wizard, pirate, ninja, rogue, or in a steampunk theme more then once a year without branding me a weirdo. Kanye attempted to do some of it, but that guy doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation anymore.

  18. *”Do you believe that today’s men’s fashion overall is “boring?”*



  19. Yes. But that’s because fashion is boring.

    I could not care less about fashion. It’s a skill I decided to learn. I can dress well and I’ve gotten compliments on outfits. But I don’t enjoy it.

    Thank god men’s fashion isn’t anywhere close to female fashion. If I make sure I wear fitting clothes and coordinate the colours then I’m already decently dressed. If I put on a button down on top of that I’m already entering well-dressed territory.

    Fashion is a chore and having limited options makes that chore easier to fulfil.

  20. I believe that fashion for both men and women has gotten a whole lot more boring in general. Lots of loungewear and unremarkable mishmashed shit that doesn’t fit. I don’t look like Elton John every time I leave the house but it doesn’t take much to find good looking clothes that accentuate your features lol

  21. It isn’t as flashy as women’s fashion. But that’s not always a bad thing. And it doesn’t have to be boring at all

  22. They’re not boring I guess. We have a lot of choices. And there’s difference between boring available fashion and being dressed boring. And it’s also great to be “overdressed” Sometimes, but yk what, being overdressed is a myth that boring people made to feel good about themselves.

  23. Yes because fashionable is rarely practical or comfortable which are some of the things I prioritise and a lot of other do too. I’m an active dude working out, climbing buildings, crawling into lofts, working on cars, playing in the mud, etc.

    I need clothing that is durable, isn’t going to make me uncomfortable while in my activities, easy to clean, etc. Clothing, like many things, is a balance is of compromises. For my needs, I assume the clothing has to be a dark monotone color because bright colours show stains easier and are harder to keep clean, fancy designs will catch and rip easier which will not only look bad but also be impractical.

  24. Who cares about fashion when you have style?

    “Style never goes out of fashion, but fashion always goes out of style”

    That’s why wearing a good fitting white t shirt & good pair of jeans is a classic.

  25. I agree. If you look at the majority of men’s sections of clothes shops, there’s only really a handful of options available compared to the women’s section (which is 70% of the shop). Those limited options are only available in black, grey or navy blue. I know a lot of men aren’t interested in fashion but it’s no surprise when that’s all you see. I branch out of the norm a bit but as a result, there’s a degree of skepticism/negativity around it.

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