I am very sensitive and intimate person but eye contact is so weird during sex and can actually throw me off my rhythm and ruin the upcoming orgasm. Gets me in my head.

  1. I’m never a huge fan of the eye contact. If there’s too much during sex, I close my eyes and focus on the pleasure and feelings in the moment for a bit.

  2. The only time I will ever make contact is when things become aggressive/ primal/ animalistic, however you wanna call it but it doesn’t last long, a few seconds. I couldn’t imagine awkwardly locking eyes when there isn’t a mood during a session.

  3. I’m the opposite. I love eye contact. It’s the icing on the cake of making love. Without it, it becomes fucking. I’m a guy, BTW.

  4. Oh no, I’m the opposite. I tell my husband to look me in the eyes, to watch me as he makes me cum.

  5. I like it but cannot maintain it for more than a second or two because my eyes start rolling back. Safer to keep them closed cause that makes me embarrassed

  6. If it gets you in your head, you may be choosing the wrong moment. I never plan on eye contact, but sometimes it just happens because it feels right in the moment when there are no serious or intrusive thoughts in my head. When I’m overcome by sheer pleasure and desire. At that point of horniness, my brain is all in. No worries about getting in my head and ruining it.

  7. Really? I absolutely love being looked at in the eye. Especially while cumming. Being told to open my eyes and look at me while you’re cumming is so hot. Eye contact in general is hot. I’m curious as to if you’re a man or woman and if you possibly are Neuro divergent or on the spectrum? I’m not trying to be rude but it might explain the need for no eye contact.

  8. If I am fucking to go numb, yes I avoid it. If it is with someone I care about, I love it. My fwb told me to not avoid it. He loved watching my eyes as a came.

  9. I’m totally with you on this. I get in my own head about it too. It’s like I feel self conscious.

  10. Love it. For me, without any eye contact it’s a bit more like masturbation.

  11. I agree. I like it briefly but anything longer overwhelms me because I feel vulnerable.

  12. I love it, it frustrates me that I have to close my eyes often in order to cum, which I’m sure isn’t uncommon, I wish I could keep that gaze every time.

  13. I just like having my eyes closed cause I can feel everything better. That might sound weird but I get distracted by things if my eyes are open and it ruins it for me

  14. No, and I really have never understood partners that refused or were scared of eye contact when it elevates the sex so much

  15. I’m the same way with sex and just in general. Any kind of conversation as well. My husband pointed it out once, if we are in a deep conversation wether we are arguing about something or if he is taking time to tell me how much he loves me which he does often, I can’t make eye contact. It makes me super uncomfortable.

  16. Oh complete opposite, stare into each others souls and that intimacy will get me off faster than anything

  17. my autistic ass cant handle eye contact during conversation and you want me to look in your eyes while we bang? naw

  18. I hate eye contact during all moments of life, yes. Always. Don’t look at or touch me

  19. It’s too intimate for the kind of sex I’ve had over the last decade. Would have been nice with the person I loved, but he got mad when I looked at him during sex (obviously a problematic relationship for that and many other reasons)

  20. I also hate it. But I’m also autistic so that might contribute. I find eye contact to be really forced and creepy during sex. Much prefer positions where he’s behind me for that reason

  21. I used to hate eye contact so much I avoided missionary at all costs. I was so wrong and someone wasn’t doing it right.
    With my current partner I love it now, it’s so intimate and erotic and I love looking at him right when he cums inside me

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