My husband makes a lot of sarcastic jokes. Sometimes they’re not so funny. When I don’t enjoy the joke or laugh or get upset he always asks if I’m pmsing or if my time of the month came earlier than usual.

It really annoys me because he never seems to consider that I’m irritated with what he’s saying.

Anyone else experience this? What do you do?

  1. My husband does this a lot when he’s acting like a jackass and I get fed up. It’s incredibly disrespectful and dismissive. I have no idea how to get it through his head so I just ignore it.

  2. You can tell him that a joke is when everyone laughs. You’re not laughing. If only he finds it funny, then it’s bullying, and that’s just mean. Tell him directly “I feel disrespected and hurt when you make sarcastic comments like that, and it has nothing to do with my hormones.” Men forget that they have hormones too – they get upset by stuff too, it’s not a women-only or PMS-only issue.

    Also, sometimes passive-aggressive behavior, in combination with a whole host of other behaviors, can be a sign of emotional abuse. Not saying this is true in your case, but if you express yourself clearly how his actions make you feel, and he continues to disrespect you, then maybe it’s time for some deeper reflection on your relationship, to develop better communication between the two of you, and/or to try marriage counseling.

  3. Urgh this irritates me so badly. When I was younger it used to make me feel like maybe I was hormonal and didn’t realise but now it just seems like a cheap way for someone to not deal with how they’re making someone else feel.

  4. The healthy thing to do is sit him down and have a conversation about how he makes you feel with those jokes.


    Personally Id just start making tiny wiener jokes and ask him how he likes it.

  5. No my husband has more respect and sense then to do that. I would simply respond with “No, it just wasn’t funny.”

  6. Sometimes it’s a fair question. To solve this problem, download a free app that tracks your cycle onto his phone. Then you tell him to stfu and refer to app. Problem solved for life. Win win.

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