So someone will start talking to me, my coworker, a stranger, basically anyone I’m not super comfortable being around and I’ll immediately feel uncomfortable and shut down the conversation.

For example they’ll ask how my day is going and I’ll just say “good”. Or they’ll ask how my weekend went and I’ll say “fine” but I never ask about theirs or say anything else. I know it’s polite to talk back but I just want them to stop talking to me ASAP and idk why I have that feeling.

1 comment
  1. Probably because you don’t feel confident in your conversational skills.

    Could also be because you genuinely have not interest in forming a connection with said people. I’m like that in certain areas of my life. For example, I don’t like talking to my neighbors in my apartment complex too much. Passing courtesy is fine, Small talk while our dogs play is fine, but I don’t want to be their friend. I find I don’t like making friends with neighbors because it’s too complicated to break off if it gets weird.

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