After how many dates is it okay to let your weird out?

  1. I think you be who you are right away. No false advertisements. Let people know what they’re getting up front. Don’t trick people into being with you, tf.

  2. Be you from the get go. Not all the way, don’t be picking your nose or scratching the sack or anything weird like that but be you 😂

  3. Define “weird”? Do you put butter in your coffee? That’s one level of weirdness. It is probably ok after you slept together. Do you run around the apartment building naked, scream “yeeeehaaaaa” and use feces as a warpaint? That’s a totally different level and you should probably try keeping it inside

  4. Right away – if your weird doesn’t work for them then it’s better to find that out quickly.

  5. Hell I use the weird to attract the girl in the first place lol

  6. Never cage your weird, always wear it out in the open. That’s Manlaw™️, isn’t it?

  7. Immediately. Don’t date people who aren’t into the actual, real you.

  8. 3rd date. 1st date for general feel, second date to say “I’m interested” , third date is for “this is me”

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