I’m really new in this world and i just don’t know what do there, she guides me but i can’t still know which movements are better and which ones are worse, anyone help me

  1. If she is guiding you listen to her. We don’t know what kind of touch she enjoys.

  2. Every women is different my dude.

    Try putting your two fingers on either side of her clit and just slowly rub up and down

  3. I can say what generally works for me. Generally, making out, kissing her neck and using your hands to explore her body will start to make her wet. Once you’re in her pants, just kind of caress the outside of her pussy for a few minutes while kissing then using one finger just kind of explore around the opening of her pussy a bit to see how wet she is, being gentle in case she’s not wet yet. If she’s wet you can use that finger and maybe a second finger to take that wetness and spread it around. I will make the whole area wet so then you can go between rubbing her clit and gradually inserting your fingers inside of her. Once you do that, you can increase the pace and firmness going back and forth between her clit and fucking her with your fingers… And take cues from her as to which she wants more at any given moment. Like she may want your fingers inside her more or she may want you to focus on her clit more. Or she may like you going back and forth. I have made multiple girls cum/squirt doing this….although it is pretty standard technique tbh

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