Kinda need a walk through here haha. got some dates planned but I am completely inexperienced and figured its better to go in with a little advice than going in blind. I’m 25 by the way if that matters

  1. I don’t kiss on the first date. Hug if it went well, handshake otherwise unless you’re getting vibes that she/he wants more.

  2. Look into their eyes and if the feeling is mutual go for it. And the thoughts that are racing threw your head your trying so hard to hide let them out depending on how u do it it can be good or bad. Nothing beats being honest to the person in front of u.

  3. You should be following each other’s lead. If there is a “kiss me” vibe go for a short soft one (at least one full second) and if they seem to want more, give another one of the same kind/length, or stop if the vibe says that’s enough. After a second kiss if they want more, they want to make out with you.

    Don’t peck. Imo, pecks are even more familiar and sign of a stronger bond or committed relationship than making out is. Pecks I think are associated with family, like how your parents kiss when they pass each other in the kitchen. Don’t go there until you’re casually calling each other babe or honey, like months maybe even a year in.

  4. Whatever feels right in the moment. Look into their eyes, they won’t lie.

  5. If you want to kiss them and you feel like it is the right moment but are unsure, you can definitely ask! Once you give them a first kiss you will know if they want more or not by their body language and how the kiss felt.

  6. Just a peck on the cheek, but not too hard or amber’s councilor will come after you.

  7. I don’t like to be touched, because I have been touched too many times without my permission, and I would have been over the moon if a date had asked me if they could kiss me!

    Before my first date with my now partner I told him that I have a hard time with physical touch and that I would appreciate it if he he waited until I expressly told him that I was ready for a kiss or holding hands. Some claim that it isn’t “sexy” but honestly after a life time of being treated like a sex doll it was the most endearing thing to see him actively want to hold my hand and still respect my boundaries!

  8. Idk I wouldn’t rush it. Eventually itll be obvious like yea I should probably do this soon to keep the relationship going.

  9. If the date went well and you like them and they seem to like you back. Go in for the goodbye hug but dont pull all the way back and ask if you can kiss them. If they say yes start slow with a peck and see what happens.

  10. Lips part open, let kiss linger but don’t move lips unless other party does. Absolutely no tongue.

  11. You start with a short little peck on their head. Then you start sucking.

  12. I would think to break the ice if you’re nervous- a kiss on the forehead or cheek is so sweet! Progress as slow as you need! If they want more, they will either take the lead or communicate to you.

  13. I personally would not kiss on the first date, maybe just very light touching like a greeting hug or fixing someone’s clothes gently if it’s wrinkled or something. Maybe try for a light peck after the third or fourth date when you feel like you know each other more and the atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. And of course when the other party is giving signs they’re ready. If in doubt just ask if you can kiss them. A good idea could maybe be to lightly kiss the back of their hand, I think this a very innocent romantic gesture both men and women (or either) can do to their partner. If the other is receptive or is happy by the gesture, it’s a good sign. The key is to do it a bit spontaneously, get them off guard, don’t do a dramatic moment out of it. I did it to a guy once and he turned beet red;)

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