Did you try to continue seeing both or did you pick one in the end? Or neither?

  1. It took me by surprise, one was quiet and didn’t seem to talk much but the other one, she was real loud and talked a lot. When the loud one started talking to me, the quieter one who, we noticed each other first. She took that as an opportunity to talk to me too. They loud one kinda had the lead on everything because she was so loud but I ended up choosing neither because loud girl kinda ruined the moment. It was definitely a scene that everyone in a pretty large radius started watching was happening.

  2. I messed up. Didn’t know they knew each other. Ended up with the third girl. Other two hated me then.

  3. Started dating girl 1, girl 1’s best friend (girl 2) reveals she had feelings for me before I started dating girl 1, they fight, have a falling out, still with girl 1 many years later.

  4. This happened once in high school, we were all 13. I didn’t take them seriously because the girls were very much the “mean girls” type and I wanted nothing to do with them. They both had new crushes within a week, their friendship stayed strong for pretty much all of high school

  5. One stabbed me in the chest with knitting needles and then they were knocked out in turn with a ceramic water jug by the other woman.

    Was a situation with sisters at their house. Stabby wanted to break up with me and was upset that I was fine with it because her younger sister, Smashy, already tipped me off that the bad news was coming because she wanted to date me instead.

    Police got involved, I ended up with neither and 19 year old me got a life lesson I never forgot. Got to love the mountain state.

  6. If you have to pick between two, you always end up at zero. Eventually the one who ‘wins’ realizes they don’t like feeling like a prize, or they don’t like that there was any kind of deliberation process.

  7. I’ve had at least one (I think 2 but cant be 100% certain) friend group who had a crush on me.

    Instead of fighting over me they just pestered me to figure out who I liked, which is smart in a sense since they were great friends to each other.

    I honestly didnt know who to pick since I thought they were all cute and they all had pros/cons lol.

    I just ended up doing nothing and they moved on.

  8. It was for a school project

    Their friendship broke

    I ended as the bad guy

    …I wanted to do that shit alone

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