Wow!! Where did the time go? Borderline divorce, two kids and we made it! I look back on our 15 years together and we have such a testimony, fighting, counseling, more fighting (we both have a hot tempers) and it was all worth it. I am so thankful that we fought through the tough times because we love each other more than ever, grew as a couple and I can’t imagine my life with anyone else. Marriage takes growth and change- 100 from both partners and a lot of communication. Can’t wait to spend the next 15 years with him!!

  1. Congratulations! You’re an inspiration and a role model to couples everywhere. Hope you’re having the best possible anniversary!

  2. Marriage is a journey filled with a lot of bumps along the way. I’ve been married 26 years and we’ve definitely had our bumps and bruises but I’m glad we worked through it all. I don’t know how I’d live without him now.

  3. Hopefully all the people who just screech ‘DIVORCE!’ on every single post will see this. Some things are worth fighting for. Congrats to you two!

  4. Thanks! We’re proof that stubbornness and humor can keep love alive. Cheers to us!

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