What is something all your exes (and possibly your current partner) have/had in common?

  1. Funny. It’s probably the most important trait to me, in terms of what makes me feel attracted to someone.

  2. Other than the fact that I dated all of them at some point in my life, and they are all humans who do standard human stuff, probably nothing much.

  3. For male partners and exes: great singers, capybara energy, very tactile, loves snacks.

    For female partners and exes: unavailable, knitters – beyond that, nothing else in common

  4. For male partners and exes: great singers, capybara energy, very tactile, loves snacks.

    For female partners and exes: unavailable, knitters – beyond that, nothing else in common

  5. All from my home state even though I haven’t lived there in almost 15 years 😂

  6. Most of my past crushes, my ex and my boyfriend now – their names start with a J 😂

    (Edited for clarity)

  7. None of them drive. I haven’t had a partner that had a valid license and/or vehicle since I was in high school. 😐

  8. There’s one outlier, the rest were well meaning (yet flawed as we are). We had fun with each other.

    And good in bed (mostly…)

  9. They were all virgos (not something I intentionally sought out but funny how that ended up being the case!)

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