what is your thoughts on a movie that has zero diversity casting?

  1. Being made now or those that are a product of the racism and power structures of their times?

    For new movies: Depends on the film and context. If it is a historical documentary/drama and they are choosing to cast everyone based on their actual appearance/ethnicity, I don’t see a big issue. If it’s a fantasy, fiction, sci fi, etc that is blindingly white for dead-ass no good reason other than the prejudice of the decision-makers, then I think it’s a shame that people’s racial and ethnic biases are limiting the depth and breadth of their films with their lack of imagination. I’m not interested in watching those.

  2. depends. if its s sci fi movie then its rlly silly. do you really believe that aliens on mars are alll straight white men?

  3. Not really something I…erm, “actively think about”?

    But overall it depends.

    Depends on the source material.

    It’s nice to see in original works or whatever but if it’s one way or the other due to sticking to source material that’s another thing.

    On one hand it can be good, on the other hand forced diversity for no good reason is imho just as bad. e.g. like Cleopatra wasn’t black because the Ptolemaics were both inbred AF and AFAIK we have fairly good records of her family tree so that depiction just stands out as almost pandering for no particularly good reason.

  4. Tbh Idc. And coming from a poc I don’t want someone throwing in a poc to tick off a box to say ooh diversity. Bullshit. u/nevertruly is right though about the times of before and period dramas for now but like in general I personally don’t like seeing just one brown person who is a stereotype just to say diversity. I’d rather it just be all white or black or whatever the race movie.

  5. I’m brown and have no problem seeing all white casts if they’re talented and makes sense for the story. When they overdue it for diversity sake the story can become unrealistic

  6. Don’t care, I personally find it odd when people can’t enjoy things because there’s not enough diversity, as a Korean myself I couldn’t care less if my race were in a film/game or not.

  7. Genuinely it’d make me less interested in the film. Even if it’s for say, historical accuracy purposes, I’m just not as interested in seeing more white history or more about men who did famous things. There are so many movies coming out these days and I only see a small subset of them anyway, might as well make that small subset ones which I’d find interesting and doing something different. I wouldn’t refuse to watch a non-diverse film if someone else wanted to, they just wouldn’t be my first choice.

  8. I honestly don’t think about it at all. Is the story engaging? Is it well acted and directed? If it’s based on a book I’ve read did they do a good job with it or did it completely shit the bed? Those are the things I notice.

  9. i don’t really care tbh. i think it’s worse when a movie casts people ONLY due to their skin colour. e.g.- this person is a fantastic actor and matches the character perfectly, but this actor is black so they can have the role so i get a pat on my back for being inclusive

    there are many movies/series that are just one race that aren’t white. think of bollywood film or almost all korean shows.

  10. I’d rather they leave it at that than try to stick things where they don’t belong and start ruining it, original product or not, better do what you know how to do instead of patting yourself on the back because now you are morally correct.

    I’m from Mexico, we really have a problem with the United States trying to represent Mexicans without someone truly Mexican or knowledgeable about the culture. I do not need to be represented, I do not want to be used to feel morally better, since I was a child I laughed with joy when there was a map and Mexico appeared because it is enough for me to know that I am on a planet similar to the one in my reality to feel included or excited.

    I hate characters that are from Latin America, they have traits from any Latin American country or even Spain and they name him as Mexican, I hate that they change my favorite character to put him as Mexican just because they can’t invent a good character for him, I hate that his personality Whether it’s being ‘the Mexican’, ‘the gay’ or ‘the woman of the group’, I want something beyond that.

    That’s why I love comics, the blue beetle III is my favorite character, because I can see the character, find things to identify with or love and it’s not just ‘he Mexican’.

    I also know the difference between a Mexican born in Mexico who traveled for the plot or life to the country where it is taking place. It is not the same for a child of Mexicans in another country, someone who has Latino features, someone who once had Mexican descent, someone who has a rooted culture despite being more American than Mexican, someone who has married or along with a Mexican. Obviously I will notice when they are not Mexican but are Spanish or from another part of Latin America or Spanish speaking. Everyone is different and I’m going to notice it, so you better not mess with what you don’t know and make your characters real and alive, don’t commit them to a label you don’t know anything about, much less one you don’t respect.

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