I 22f took a break from college after COVID because it was taking a toll on me both mentally and physically (not to mention financially). I’m in a much stable situation now and my parents want me to rejoin college since I have only 1.5 years left on my course. The problem is I’ve never been very social and now rejoining college means meeting a whole bunch of strangers who have known each other for 2.5 years. How am I supposed to become a part of their groups now? Am I just overthinking this?

1 comment
  1. College is a strange world and it can definitely be very scary. I dropped out of college twice before going back to finish and it was definitely scary to feel like I was an outsider. There’s no certain age for college and there’s no right or wrong way to fit in. You just need to be yourself and you will attract your own type of people. You’re overthinking this, you’ll do great!!

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