I need advice messaging a guy for the first time on FB.

I never do this so I want give it my best shot

We do not know each other but have a bunch of mutual friends, have been friends on FB since 2017,never had any interactions that I can remember..
What caught my eye is that he’s been sharing post and including insightful thoughts that I would like so I started seeing more of his post. That’s when I noticed “oh! He’s attractive!” Lol

I’m on FB often but more of a “Fly on a wall” type. I’ll share a few things I really have an opinion on or feel & post pics once in a while to keep a pretty recent pic on file but that’s it.
I’m a chill, attractive woman with a big personality but that shines more in person than online. My online presence really don’t reflect who I am too much & I know that & working on it lol

Anyway, I’m having a hard a time formulating the words to actually DM this guy & I’ve been thinking for at least a month😅

How does this sound? “ Hola! Some of your posts caught my attention, I like the way you think & you’re handsome!”
Or is that too direct?
Give me your best suggestions please!

  1. I’m a 23m and I can assure you that if you add a lil humor in there, he’ll love it !:)

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