What are some of the benefits you’ve experienced from wearing a tank top in the gym?

  1. I get to look more jacked in the mirror. Idk what’s with those gym mirrors but I never look better 😆

  2. My gym’s owners were too cheap to turn on the AC during the summer mornings last year, so it was nice not to be super sweaty.

  3. I’m low body fat (except the belly / love handles) soI can see the pump pretty much immediately. Keeps me motivated when I do Shoulders / Triceps

  4. Bros at the gym giving me compliments and cat calling. With ladies more stares and random conversations. 9/10 times I’m wearing long sleeves or a t-shirt at the gym.

  5. None. The guys that do just sweat all over everything, wish they wouldn’t.

  6. I hate sleeves so yeah not wearing sleeves. Also seeing your pump is the best motivator to go even harder.

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