How much does it cost to have a car in America?

1. Which state do you live in?
2. How much are your monthly car payments?
3. How much do you pay for insurance?
4. Average monthly gas cost?

  1. 1. Western Washington
    2. $600/mo
    3. $150/mo
    4. No clue, I’ve never calculated it.

  2. I pay $130/month for state minimum insurance in AL and gas is about $60/month for me. I don’t have a car payment.

  3. >How much does it cost to have a car in America?

    Depends on the car and the person.

    1. Rural Maine

    2. I paid $5,000 cash for my car. I save a little bit for occasional car repairs.

    3. $100/month- ish. My wife and I both get a discount for paying semiannually

    4. I use about maybe $200/month in gas but I work on a tugboat so it’s kind of all on the same two days (crew change). My car sits for two weeks, then I drive it home and it mostly sits while I’m home.

  4. 1. I’m in Chicago, IL

    2. My car payment is $425/mo. We bought a new VW Tiguan in March after old car was totaled in an accident. We paid about $40k plus taxes, but had insurance payout and family gift money to put down $18k.

    3. Insurance is $126/mo to insure myself and wife on our new car, with a top insurer and pretty top of the line coverages (low deductibles, high coverages, rental car and roadside assistance).

    4. We drive very little these days, since I’m working from home and she hasn’t worked since COVID. So we spend maybe $50-100/mo on gas these days. Before COVID, she had a long commute and we were spending about $250/mo.

  5. 1.) Illinois

    2.) I pay $450 a month; my actual payment is closer to $375 per month

    3.) My wife and I are on the same plan, and we both have 10+ year no-accident discounts, so we pay something like $120 for the two cars.

    4.) No more than $80. Good gas mileage and I live in a pretty small town; the most I ever need to drive is maybe 10 miles in one direction, and work is about a mile from my house.

  6. 1-Montana
    2- $0. (12 year old car. Bought it used. Paid it off 3 years ago. But I used to pay $250 a month. I paid it off about a year early. 5 year loan.)
    3- $66 a month, includes $2 car rental insurance in case my car breaks down and I need to rent
    4- $200 a month in gas. Ouch. But now I have a new job much closer to home.

  7. Michigan.

    I bought a used car in 2019 and my payments were approximately $275/mo. I own it outright now.

    Insurance is around $900 for the year.

    $150-200 or so.

  8. 1. Missouri

    2. $300

    3. $100

    4. $800 (but I have a service business, so that’s all tax deductible)

  9. 1) Florida
    2) I pay cash. The wife’s Toyota 4 Runner was probably just under $50k but I don’t remember. My Tundra was more but again I don’t remember. My 63 Buick was probably $1000 25ish years ago and I’ve spent about 8k on it. Way better ROI than my newer cars. I wish I still had my childhood ‘58 Viking and no Tundra.
    3) insurance is dirt cheap but I just pay it annually. I think it’s like 1200for all of it but I’m not sure because I dumped the motorcycle.
    4) tundra is like $250-300 a month. It makes me miss the diesel. The 4 Runner is closer to 150. When I was Dailying the little Buick I got got absurd mileage since I put the five speed in it. I don’t think I was spending $100 a month.

  10. 1) NY


    3) $80 month ( liability and comprehensive)

    4) Hmm, no idea. $100 maybe

  11. Chicago, IL

    0 now, but when i had them it was about 500 for 5 or 6 years at 0%

    about 350 for 6 months of 100/300/100

    gas is maybe 20 a month? I dont really drive unless im leaving the city

  12. 1.) CA

    2.) ~$950/month | 2021 Tesla MYLR

    3.) ~$100/month

    4.) $0 for gas, both of our cars are EVs but my car cost $22/month for electricity for daily driving. My wife drives less than I do and her car cost ~$6/month for electricity.

  13. 1. Utah
    2. Paid in cash
    3. Like $120/mo combined for me and my wife
    4. $80 maybe? Fill up twice $40 each time. Some months less and some months more it varies considerably.

  14. Okay. I can do this. Virginia. I pay about $350 a month. Because of the economy my insurance has gone up so it’s nearly $700 (every six months but I pay monthly). Gas is costing me a month about a $150-200 or so.

  15. 1) Maryland
    2) $560/ month. I drive a 2023 Bronco Sport. But I pay about $800-$1500 a month because I want to pay it off fast and save on interest
    3) About $1300 a year. I pay 1 annual payment to save money.
    4) I think I spend maybe $80 in gas a month.

  16. Wisconsin. $600 a month for the car payment. $55 a month for insurance. Roughly $40 a month for gas – it’s a hybrid.

  17. Texas.

    Never had one.

    Averages out to something like 1000 per vehicle per year, there are multiple vehicles including a toy and multiple people on that policy.

    Don’t keept track all that closely. Probably like… 200/month?

  18. Indiana

    All four are paid off. 1994 Buick Century(75,000 miles), 1997 Chrysler Sebring convertible (72,000 miles), 2003 Chevy Venture(173,000 miles), and a 2004 Cadillac DeVille(110,000 miles).

    Insurance for all 4 is 600 a year, 50/month

    Gas varies from 100 to 200/month

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