Just for context, in Wisconsin and West Michigan if someone cuts us off or drives like an idiot with Illinois plates we say “fucking Illinois people” which is reduced to the acronym FIP- in your state do you have folks like this?

  1. In Wisconsin it is FIBs. Fucking Illinois *Bastards*.

    In Illinois it’s fucking Hoosiers

  2. So many FIBs/FIPs in Illinois…

    Where I’m at, it’s mostly people from Iowa, Indiana, and (oddly enough) Texas. No special names, though.

  3. Anybody who drives like an idiot is probably a damned yankee who moved here to invade our beautiful state.

  4. I have lived in West Michigan nearly my entire life and never heard the term “FIP” lol

  5. In Wisconsin it’s FIB (F-ing Illinos Bastard/Bitch).

    That said… most people think Illinois = Chicagoland and the only people I know who say it unironically are small towners, usually from “up nort.”

    Typically they’re the kind of idiots who go 50 mph in the left lane then wonder why people who are used to the Dan Ryan pass them on the right.

  6. Not quite the same, but several classmates of mine from Raleigh (NC) didn’t really care for Cary as a large chunk of the people there were from the “Northern” states.

    The general consensus was that Cary was “Containment Area For Relocated Yankees”.

  7. Not statewide and it’s not used a whole lot but BNT

    Bridge and Tunnel crowd

    Basically anyone in the metro area who isn’t within the range of the subway.. It’s like saying “fucking semi-tourists”

    (Some Manhattanites will mean it as anyone not on Manhattan but it’s probably more commonly meant as outside the city limits)

  8. Definitely Californians. Bonus points for the terrified rural Idaho drivers who come into Seattle and have a death grip in the steering wheel the whole time.

  9. Fucking I-Northern people in Florida. The i is silent

    In my home state it was New Yorkers. Fuck New Yorkers lol

    I’m Texas it was Californians

  10. In NH it’s anyone with a MA plate. Massholes. In SoCal it’s anyone with an AZ plate. Zonies. Massholes drive too aggressively and Zonies never learned where the gas pedal was located.

  11. Massachusett…
    We have too many cars from all over to pick. We pretty much just complain about anyone that hasn’t figured out how to hang in our challenging roads.

    Don’t hesitate .. just go.

    But in driving around all the New England states a lot, think the highest rate of wild drivers is Maine or Rhode Island.

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