What are your thoughts on polyamory?

  1. Personally not for me. But people can do what they want with their lives and relationships, not my concern.
    I do however think it’s rare to have a long term successful and healthy poly relationship. Often it seems one partner wants it more than the other, or bad communication can make things difficult.

    But honestly that’s a very similar issue that many monogamous relationships have.

  2. Not for me but I respect that Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) exists and as long as people are consenting adults happy with the arrangement then it’s non of my business.

    I come from a muslim background (no longer religious) but what I hated that in Islam a man (not women) were entitled to have up to 4 wives. And because it was thought to be a a God-given right, a wife could not object.

  3. It works for me but each person defines polyam differently and I feel like some people take advantage of others using polyam as an excuse. I also respect that it’s not some peoples cup of tea

  4. Most people have a sense of jealousy and possessiveness for their partner built into them. It’s human nature. Polyamory requires you to not have that, unless it’s closed on your partners’ end but not yours. Someone is going to want more than they’re getting or have a better relationship with one of their partners more than the other. Open relationships seem more viable.

  5. It’s a nope for me. I don’t like it. No judgment to those that do but I don’t share. I also don’t even know how ppl find more than one person. I’m here looking for 1 good bean 😅

  6. If that’s your jam, awesome! Be safe and have fun!

    But for me personally, my brain and heart just don’t work that way. I just can’t feel romantic love for more than one person at a time.

  7. It’s not for me, but no judgment toward those who do find it works for them.

  8. I’m think that people are free to do whatever if all of them have compatible ages and have power to leave the relationship if it don’t work for them.

    I see open relationships working long term time to time (wifes who knows that their husband have a mistress and just decided to go along instead of divorce are quite common with older generations ) , but never saw a poly in the sense of everyone involved have a romantic/sexual relationship with all the involved going long term and I guess this means something.

  9. I have my opinions, but at the end of the day it’s not relevant as other people may live as they please, it doesn’t affect me. I would, clearly, personally never engage in it, and I would probably not have friends who do either.

    Still, my main issue is when people can’t stfu about how polyamory is more “natural” than monogamy, especially when it comes from people who’d never in any other situation argue for or against any other behaviours as “(un)natural”, and will chew others out for doing so. If that gets brought up, I’ll argue. If not, other people’s relationships aren’t my business.

  10. I’m poly. I’m incredibly thankful to have two partners I love. With that said, I (gladly) put in the time and energy to make two relationships work.

    Polyamory requires a lot of honesty, self-reflection, consideration for others, time management, willingness to talk and work through uncomfortable feelings, and communication about your intentions and capacity. Which is why it’s a pet peeve of mine when people jump into it without researching it.

  11. Strongly dislike the holier than thou “we are loving on higher plane” attitude that some poly and open people have towards people that are monogamous. I also just don’t see the point and I rarely see it work out long term.

  12. It needs to be normalized. I see some otherwise liberal people say some straight up fundie level shit about non-monogamous relationships. More love in the world is a wonderful thing!

  13. I’m a super orthodox Christian and I’ve chosen to remain single, but if I wasn’t religious I’d be all over it. I’m pretty solitary and touch-averse so polyamory for me would mean my partner would have me for going on dates or lounging around and then another partner (or more idc how many) for sex. He could go on dates and stuff with the others too since I’m not jealous like at all.

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