Follow up from

  1. Doesnt matter what they say, I’ve already decided if I’m gonna sleep with them when i entered the bar.

  2. Hi, what you drinking? If you want to be casual, just offer a round as you buy yours and start chatting. You can easily open by reacting to the drink choice for example ‘ah I’ve never tried it, reminds me of etc.’

    Just say what made you come talk to her without being creepy…most people are thinking who are you and what do you want? Right?

    Pickup lines seldom work, and any other advice I give I’d need to know you (it’s subjective).

    Don’t start with cliche or potentially awkward things- commenting on looks, odd attributes things that can be pushy, awkward, insecurities. Those are hit or miss.

    You’re there to have fun or just kick back, not have someone come give you their assessment of you. That’s a mine field you don’t want to get into without an invite

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