i (19F) am back from college for the summer and live at home with my parents. recently, a guy (23M) from instagram swiped up on my story asking about a club i went to and from there we started talking and hit it off. he had planned a date for today but my parents are a little strict and were suspicious about him since he dmed me randomly from instagram and me nor them had any true idea who he was. my friend had offered to come to the restaurant and watch us, which i told them to make them feel better, but she cancelled last minute because of a family event. when i told my parents this, they told me they would drive me there and drop me off at a corner so he wouldn’t see them and leave us be, so they could feel better about the date. this is where i might’ve messed up, but i told him about this and he got angry and cancelled the date because “he’s uncomfortable with meeting them so soon” and “he wants a mature relationship”. i emphasized 3 times that he would not be meeting them and that it was just a safety precaution but he wouldn’t hear it and told me to leave it be about the date being cancelled & that he was in a bad mood. i told him that if he can’t respect a simple safety precaution then we would not work out and i blocked his number and removed his socials. however when i was talking to my best friend about it she said that if it was her she would’ve been weirded out too but wouldn’t have cancelled the date, and my parents + my other friend also said that he was being really weird about a safety precaution and that his behavior is a red flag. so now i’m asking you redditors because i feel really shitty about the whole situation, did i do the right thing by cutting him off? was it a red flag? or was i too quick to judge?

tl;dr my parents wanted to drop me off to my date as a safety precaution, my date got angry about this, i removed his contact & socials over this but now i’m wondering if it was the right decision.

  1. Absolutely did the right thing, no question about it. His anger over a safety precaution? Big red flag. Your safety is paramount, and anyone worth your time would get that. You’re better off without him. Keep trusting your gut, it’s spot on.

  2. Yeah, it was the right decision. You need to find someone who wouldn’t mind mommy and daddy dropping you off. It’s not a red flag, you are just incompatible. He wants someone with less parental involvement than you have.

  3. You did the right thing. I’m old but jeezus I don’t want my teeenaged kid meeting with people off the internet either. Stay safe and alive!

  4. Always, always, always trust your gut!

    Huge red flag for me, is he got angry at your safety precautions. You lucked out.

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