Been talking to and dating this man for almost two months. We’ve been on five dates that have gone pretty well, we have no trouble talking for hours and joking around. We’ve kissed but haven’t had sex yet. We both are looking for something serious.

Everything is a green flag for me. This man is handsome, smart, has his shit together, hard working, kind. The only thing that has been bothering me is that he has demonstrated some sort of competition or jealousy regarding some of the things that I do, how smart he thinks I am or stuff as silly as how many books I own compared to him. I don’t go around parading my knowledge or whatever, I literally write and studied literature so of course I like to read.

I really like this man regardless and can’t help but feel that maybe I’ve done something wrong for him to be comparing himself to me in this way. It breaks my heart 🙁 Is there any advice or is this definitely somebody I should avoid?

  1. At 41, he’s at an age where either 1) he just got out of a relationship, or b) that jealousy issue is significant enough to keep him single. Forty-one year old men who are handsome, smart, has their shit together, are hard working, and are kind are unicorns who don’t stay single for long.

    Further, envy over intelligence is a problem with many men… just ask female comedians.

    What’s his relationship history look like?

  2. You may never know where his insecurities come from.

    Whenever two people decide to become a couple it should be more *us & we* than *you & me*.

    ***”Comparision is the thief of joy.”*** – Theodore Roosevelt

    Best wishes!

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