What was the hardest challenge you have faced in your current relationship?

  1. Asking for help instead of assuming everyone can read my mind, and getting resentful when they don’t. It kinda covers a lot of challenges, but I had to learn that 1. My husband and children are helpful, kind people and 2. They are all very forgetful so 3. Instead of yelling I only have to ask and remind them to do whatever I need them to do.

    Granted, today I had to ask my husband to clean out the fridge three times before he did it, but he did do it and he did only forget because he was doing a bunch of other, more fun things like mowing the lawn, staging some pottery, and fixing our shower curtain

  2. I am in a great relationship of 3 years. Our hardest challenges are things like finding enough time to spend together and meeting various financial goals.

    I am confident he is “the one” as this is the only relationship in my 40+ years where the greatest challenges was just meeting personal goals.

    We rarely argue and if we do it’s over quickly with some sort of resolution. We don’t lie to each other. We both do nice things for each other daily. We both are self sufficient financially. We trust each other and neither of us has ever done anything to break trust. We have a good division of household tasks.

    Looking back on my past relationships where there were great challenges, I have realized it was only very challenging because they were not the one.

  3. My partner’s weird health issues. His seizure out of nowhere a few months ago scared the crap out of me.

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