One reason why wouldn’t you date yourself?

  1. I’m currently job-hunting and have no idea what city, or even state, I’m going to live in in the next 6-12 months.

  2. I am uninterested in having a relationship, so neither me or myself would want to.

  3. I’m straight.

    If it’s a gender swapped me: I’m not attracted to ugly people.

  4. I hope I’m not taking this question too literal, but I’d get bored. I need someone that introduces me to new things, has other areas of interest, and a slightly contrasting personality. I couldn’t date someone that’s exactly the same as me.

  5. I’m unfortunately attracted to men. Other than that I can be a little bit dominant

  6. I am struggling to financially support myself at the moment, so dating a male version of me would not be right at this time in my life.

  7. I probably wouldn’t trust the other me because I’d know everything about me which makes me uncomfortable lmao. I feel like I’d either befriend the other me, try to therapize the other me, or pretend the other me doesn’t exist

  8. I’m way too controlling. I don’t want to be at all, but my insecurities get the best of me. I’m working on it.

  9. My doom piles and my other selfs doom piles wouldn’t be compatible and the house would never be clean.

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