This woman I was interested in rejected me 2 years ago and she went in my dms and confessed how nice I was to her and she didn’t realize it and was talking about her feelings for me.

  1. Depends on how high are my levels of loneliness compared to my self-respect. In the right mind, I’d tell her to look elsewhere, but I’d also have to choose between her and no one.

  2. Yoi just laught in her face and run awway from her. You’re her emergency ration for lonnelines. Just that, and you deserve better

  3. $20 says she realized she can’t get a hot guy to treat her nice so you’re her fallback and hopes you won’t know/notice.

    in your shoes I’d date her, along with the other women i see, and if she sticks around for a year and doesn’t push my boundaries, *then* I’d consider a monogamish relationship with her.

  4. If you want to be her back up plan go for it, but that’s the life you’ll lead. Backup and fill in till someone else shows up.

  5. Just friend zone her if you care to keep her around or maybe have a friend for her or there’s some value in your two networks combining. Wouldn’t consider for a serious relationship.

  6. It depends on why she rejected me. There are at least some hypothetical reasons to reject someone that I would be able to look past. For example, sometimes people reject people because they’re working on themselves and recognize they aren’t ready to be in a relationship.

    But I think in most situations I would reject her.

    Firstly, I wouldn’t think she actually found me attractive. I’d think if she did, then she wouldn’t have rejected me before. So I’d feel like I’m being settled for, or that she wants to just not be single.

    But secondly, it would be hard for me to not think I’m being treated as a backup, and she’s only saying that because it didn’t work out with the people she actually wanted to date.

  7. Lol, nope.

    She had her shot. Who knows what she’s been up to the last two years? Don’t be her 56th choice.

  8. Life is not a linear path, there a twists and turns every step of the way. Don’t over think it. If you’re interested, go for it. If not, don’t.

  9. No second chances. If they’re not aware enough to recognize a good thing until much later, she’ll likely never be able to recognize and be grateful for anything until it’s too late.

  10. If im a dirtbag, I’ll smash and pass. If I’m virtuous, tell her I’m not interested. She picked someone else originally, do forget that.

  11. You’re the fall back guy after the bad boy she’s been banging for two years dumped her.

  12. Laugh in her face and tell her to eat shit. You’re a king and a first choice, we don’t put up with this bullshit.

  13. Bro your the number one draft pick, not no bench warmer. If she hit you up after two years, personally she had her fun and didn’t get the guy she wanted so she went with you as a safe pick. I wouldn’t take it personally but you can do better

  14. Tell her that ship sailed 2 years ago. Could be genuine, but from my experience it’s won’t be. She’s likely been rejected or had a bad experience and thought hey that other guy made me feel good I’ll see what he’s up to.

    It will be good for a while then she’ll drop you so fast you won’t know what hit.

  15. Truth is she wasn’t all that into you and sees you as a back up plan (that she’s now pursuing) because whatever she was after two years ago didn’t pan out. You can either accept that and take her up on her offer, or decline in search of someone who you know doesn’t see you as a fall back plan.

  16. I got to introduce that type of woman to my wife and kids. It was fun. Awkward for her, I think, but overall, fun for me

  17. Booty call? I won’t get attached emotionally because I know I wasn’t her first choice

  18. She’s so unstable that her abandonment trauma is making her be with you while she finds someone better because she’s alone, bored and miserable and just wants an easy, stupid and loyal men to keep her demons quiet before she ruins it all.

  19. Tell her to go pound sand…

    Sounds like a walking red flag…you probably won’t listen to any of us though and have to learn the hard way, you already know what the right thing to do is, you’re probably looking for the posters that will say “date her” so you can justify your poor decisions and start a relationship with a clearly unstable woman who will end up breaking your heart…then in a year you will be back on here saying “how do I get over the love of my life who cheated on me” lol

  20. First off she needs to buy me dinner at a NICE place. Maybe she can have a kiss goodnight. Im not some slut she can pick up off the street.

  21. You’re the one to marry her, the other guys were the ones to have fun with her. Tell her straight up, she had her chance and thought other guys were a better option so good luck with that one.

    These women are a dime a dozen, they spend their young years trying to trap guys way out of their league, when it fails they try and settle temporarily with a guy they don’t like to get the ring and kids but will eventually leave them and return to being an independent woman looking to have fun.

    Avoid these people like the plague, she will do nothing but bleed you dry a few years after you marry/have children with them. You were never someone she wanted to be with and that won’t change.

  22. Don’t be her Plan B (those are only $50), you’re worth more than a Plan B.

  23. I refuse to be anybody’s second choice. Women know within five minutes of meeting you if they’re attracted to you or not. If she rejects you after you make an authentic effort to ask her out in a mature way, then she’s probably being truthful with you.

    If she comes back later on wanting another chance, now she’s looking for you to be her Plan B and she’s being dishonest with you about it.

    Cut her loose and find someone worthy of you, bro.

  24. ” Sorry, I don’t date someone who had to suck another dick before she realised she liked me after all “

  25. This is what that really means. She thought she was of greater value then to date someone like you two years ago. Now, 24 months later, she knows now that she was wrong, and has settled for you. Huge red flag, recreational use only.

  26. No. She was keeping you as a backup most likely. Happened to me. Big red flag. If it was maybe the next week, then I would consider it.

  27. You’re not her first pick and are her backup plan. You can be friendly with her, but I wouldn’t get involved and would keep looking for real love.

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