I was hanging out with a group and everyone was talking about their relationships through the years and I just don’t get where I went wrong. It’s just crazy to me that everyone just assumes this has happened for you because it happens for everyone else and it’s pretty embarrassing. Y’all can talk about how anxious and awkward you are despite having all these but you’re definitely light years ahead of where I am. I just don’t get how people feel valuable.

  1. Trial and error OP. At 23 you have plenty of time to learn through interacting with various groups in different settings.

  2. Yeah I know people who’ve had sex with three other people this year meanwhile I’ve been two years without it. Can get very self-inflicting and real resentful real quick

  3. reminder : everyone is on their own journey. they are not ahead of you or better in anyways because they have more relationships thru their life.

    I relate to what you’re saying a lot. it’s a process everyday. I recently learned that I don’t like most people! but I too crave to have meaningful relationships that last. I have yet to have that in my life.

  4. Relationships, of any kind, are work for everyone. It’s not easy maintaining something so abstract and, oftentimes, tenuous. But, like anything of value, people try and put in the effort because it’s worth it.
    Some might be easier than others. Some people might click faster or require less work. But they all require effort and work.
    And, like any skill, it just takes time. Work at it and soon it’ll get easier. Maybe not easy but easier.

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