Basically the title.

  1. My body needs to warm up like some ancient car in the morning. Gotta warm the oil up to all the seized joints.

  2. Everything physical is harder.

    Everything mental is easier.

    And suddenly I care about watering my lawn.

  3. Finally gave up on “keeping the party going”(not actually partying, just trying to have fun through drugs and alcohol).

  4. Being able to focus on making my job and career more enjoyable instead of just working to survive.

  5. The hair growing out my damn nose and ears. My eyebrows trying to go full-blown Gandalf.

  6. I don’t know if I’ve just lost patience for the bullshit, or the pool has shrunk that much, but dating in your 40s has become so much more difficult than in your 30s. Single mothers and fat chicks, as far as the eye can see. If either of those are your jam, you’re in hog heaven. Since neither of those are really my jam, I’m looking back at my 30s, the women I dated, the chances I took and the ones I missed, and wondering where I went so wrong, that I ended up single, unmarried, not divorced, no kids, at 40.

    Literally every single one of my ancestors, for millions or billions of years up the chain, managed to find someone to reproduce with. Yet, somehow, I haven’t been able to figure it out. Just can’t make it over that hump I guess. It really makes me sad that however-many thousands of generations ends with me. But I suppose that’s Darwin, for you. Adapt or die. I guess I’ve been unable to adapt well enough to the environment, so my line dies.

  7. Im so fucking tired all the time. I want to do more things than I wanted to do in my 30s but Jesus I’m just too damn tired to do any of it.

  8. I’m more likely to throw someone out of the house now than in my 30s. The patience is gone.

  9. quit smoking weed. quit smoking tobacco, quit drinking alcohol, quit giving a fuck about gaining weight. quit giving a fuck about other peoples opinions.

  10. Oooff what a question! M42 here! So tired all the time after working a week in the city! I eat fruits and vaping is my only vice. I avoid unhealthy foods now more then ever because it’s really hard to lose weight.

    Being the oldest in my office with everyone in their 20’s and early 30’s is strange, it’s like, how did that happen?

    Meeting interns who are travelling with their life ahead of them to experience, feel a bit jealous sometimes.

    I made bad decisions in my 20’s and 30’s that I could have avoided regarding my career but ended up making a recovery.

    Being to tired to play games like for hours and hours! I miss playing long sessions!

  11. I started to really sense that life in all likelihood is about half way over, if I’m lucky. I developed a much stronger sense of who I am as a person and what is really important in life. The trivial work related anxieties are pretty much gone. My baseline demeanor is much calmer. I’ve been successful and do well at work, I just don’t care nearly as much as years prior. 42 now and loving it’s so far.

  12. Caring more about myself and not caring about someone else’s opinion about me is the most significant I guess.

  13. Even though I’m in better shape than my 30s, things randomly hurt or get pulled all the time. Weight is also much harder to get rid of now.

  14. Older Gen x guy here and i have to say my 40s were my favorite decade. It’s seemed to be the sweet spot between being older but not seen as too old with all the benefits of career , wisdom etc.

  15. That I’m the best version of me so far. As a father, husband, friend, mentor, etc. I know who I am and what I stand for and feel comfortable in my own skin like never before. I’m just happy to wake up each day and try my best.

  16. I’m 37, no quite there yet… reading the comments I wonder if people that always did exercises during their 30’s entering their 40’s feels the difference on energy.

    I love biking and running, it’s therapeutic to me. Necessary!

  17. Thankfully I’m not in pain in any way or form like some people seem to be. My body feels great and the same it always has. So that’s something good at least.

    My biggest change/problem is just boredom. A lot of the novelty factor about stuff is gone, so everything becomes kinda samey and you’re a lot less willing to try new things because you’ve already seen some other permutation of it.

  18. I have become cynical, I no longer consider the opinion of others and my pragmatism terrifies everyone I know.

  19. The check engine light comes on. Lay off the sugar and booze before your 40s. It all comes back to haunt you. That and your new injuries are permanent and your old injuries come back to stay.

  20. I hit a confidence in my 40s that it took me a while to catch up with.

    Things I would have put up with before were dealt with head on.

    I really did feel like I was just over a lot of the shit, and I honestly stopped caring about what people thought, how I was being perceived, and any notion of a career or personal brand was just discarded, it also coincided with me reaching much higher levels and income in my job.

  21. I am with a woman who is intelligent, independent, supporting, we love each other, a drastic change from my 30ies. I started caring less about what other people think of me. In my current job I feel like I am making something good for everyone, I have to say that I am in a better place today under many aspects. Physically I start feeling that being active is more important than before to feel in good shape, I feel the need to do some stretching almost every day.

  22. I started testosterone therapy, brought me back to 18. Best decision for me mental and physical health

  23. That dating someone significantly younger is no longer worth it. I want to be with someone who understands my need to sit, watch a game, and sip a beer; and doesn’t want to brunch with their single hipster friends and go to every music festival under the sun.

  24. You just start falling apart.

    Honestly, look after yourself in your 30’s, it’ll pay dividends.

  25. At about 41, I noticed how much I hate feeling tired. It’s more annoying to me than feeling hungry. I feel like Jason Statham in The Transporter when he says “I’m tired. I can’t think straight when I’m tired”. And then he goes to bed. That’s me now. “Oh, my friends wanna play Call of Duty until 2 am? Effff that, I’m going to go crawl in bed at 9 pm”.

  26. I never had any doubts about my mortality, but your body requires more (better?) upkeep and you realize just how fragile life can be. Aging is undefeated. I also realized some of the dreams of my youth were not realistic and that led me to reframe my life goals in a more realistic manner.

  27. M44. I know what i can reasonably expect out of life and align my needs and wants around those expectations. I know when I should talk and when I should shut up. I know what my boundaries are and how to behave when someone crosses them. I know how to give and how to take. I know when I’m not thinking clearly, when I’m angry, when I’m tired, when I’m happy, when I’m sad. Ultimately I’ve spent most of my life getting to know (and accept) myself. It’s hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it so far. Long way to go still

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