The point is just to make a fun game. Thought this would be fun and silly game to play. Figured the reddit world could help.

  1. That’s a good start, but I think I can make it even better. On day 1, start with a cute little peck, then fuck your partner like they want to be fucked. Then fuck them like that for the next 29 days. On day 31, fuck them as often as you both allow. You’re both going to die someday. Get weird. Get sloppy. Save the pecks for when you’re headed to work.

  2. Week one should be verbal intimacy no touching, compliments on looks or even sexual desires you’ll have at the end of the month, maybe even cooking for each other alternatively. Week two can be what you call a peck, more so short hugs or arm/leg grabs, you could even give certain areas massages each night, nothing intentional sexual. Week three can be more sexually driven, random make out sesh, dry humping like in high school no skin to skin fun. Teasing as in walking around naked or random flashings in appropriate areas of course. Then sex. Idk if this is what your asking for but it’s what I thought you meant. I think the day by day is gonna have to depend on your day by day schedule, instead of 30 days to sex make it 15. Less pressure to make it amazing by the end but also short enough time frame to make you want to wait another day or two.

  3. That exists already, and it’s called **Polynesian Sex**, a technique about making love over several days. It requires a lot of mental endurance since intercourse and orgasms are forbidden until the last day.

    If I remember well. this was just 5 days long.

    Day 1: Get both naked and just look at each other’s bodies. You can hug your partner, but you can’t touch genitals nor intimate areas. That’s it. You can’t have sex. Just lie on the bed, watch a movie, read something, and stuff.

    Day 2: Kisses are allowed now. You can touch and even lick each other’s bodies, but avoid touching the genitals. And remember: no intercourse.

    Day 3: Same as day 2, but you can gently touch each other’s genitals.

    Day 4: Same as day 3 but now you can kiss a lot, touch, lick, you know a great foreplay. Avoid orgasms.

    Day 5: LET’S GO! Fulll intercourse, have fun! You can release all the tension you were building the last days. Happy orgasms!


    Want a graphic example? [Read this doujinshi](

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