One of my long time guy friends is moving and getting a new job. He’s from my hometown and we worked at the same job together for 7 years. We became really close during that time. I’ll be honest, I feel like in the beginning it was mostly him who initiated contact. He was the only friend I had and I really valued that. I’ve since moved and he helped plan a get together when I first left home. I don’t live that far, and visit from time to time. He’s been there for me through some very difficult times and I value him. Honestly, I feel like I may have over shared a lot with him, but he never judged me and was always there for me.

This week he told me about the new job and I was so excited for him. We talked about meeting up this weekend, but didn’t make definite plans. We had talked about meeting up a week prior to this news and when he found out, i told him we could celebrate and he agreed, he told me when he was off and said we could talk more about it later.
I figured we’d talk later in the week and was so excited for him that I bought him a cake as a surprise to congratulate him. I even got it decorated in the theme of the new city he was moving to. He couldn’t talk much when we were on the phone, so we didn’t talk that long. I called him later that night and he didn’t answer. It was no big deal to me.

Wednesday, I texted and just brought up meeting up and he never responded. We have a type of friendship where I may randomly send him memes or funny videos and I did that without realizing that he didn’t respond to my first message. He responded to the funny video and never said anything else. Thursday, I brought up us meeting up again and he never responded. Then this morning I just asked if he wanted to do brunch and he said he would be out of town Saturday to get the moving process kickstarted, which I understand. He said he would be back Sunday. So I just asked if he wanted to do something then or if another time would work best because this weekend wasn’t a good time, he never responded. He’s been dodging the question and I just don’t understand why?

I also bought him this cake and kind of feel pathetic doing that now.
Is it wrong, that this is triggering me a bit ?
I’ve experienced people being flaky, (family, friends and romantic partners)
It’s making me a bit sad and I wasn’t sure on what to do moving further. I probably won’t be back in town for a long time after this, so this would be my only chance to see him before he moves.

I also understand how moving could be very stressful and hectic, so maybe now just isn’t a good time to meet up with friends. I just don’t understand why he wouldn’t communicate that with me? I wouldn’t have made so many attempts to reach out to him, if he would’ve just told me he couldn’t meet up anymore. I’m just really confused and sitting with this cake alone, wondering if I did anything wrong.

1 comment
  1. I’m moving right now and my house is upside down with all of the purging and packing. So it shouldn’t surprise you that his mind is elsewhere. He may also be feeling some sadness moving away from friends. I wouldn’t take it personally. Rather put yourself in his shoes and if there’s anything you can offer to do to be helpful during this time, it would likely be appreciated.

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