I barely hangout with anyone and when I do try to arrange something with them they bail on me which is really frustrating. It just feels like a shit summer that I’ve spent on my own going to the gym and trying to overcome shyness. I’m just glad that I haven’t given up yet tbh. As I’ve made 1 friend at the gym who I sometimes see and chat to and have also been asking for spots
and if I feel like they want to talk I will maybe ask for there name and how long they’ve been coming

  1. how old are you? im a highschooler and the only thing i do in the summer is going to the gym, except now i have a full time job for july. Also have no one to talk to, so wanna discuss some stuff?

  2. Geeze, that is pretty shitty of your friends, but have you asked or do you know why they bailed out on you and was it more than once?

    In my small circle of friends this kind of thing happened as well and I threw my hands up and actually asked some of them: “am I the last priority in your social life, because that’s what you bailing out of me last minute time and time again feels like and I’m getting sick of it. So we friends or not?” Not that I wanted to quilt trip them, but some didn’t realize how it made me feel and apologized. And to be honest: some of them are no longer friends of mine, which is fine. Better not spend time on people who don’t want to spend time with you, right?

    Anyway. That gym friend sounds like a solid person. I hope you get to have more gym sessions or maybe have a drink somewhere!

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