I’ve been talking to this guy since 2 months. We hit it off quite nicely, we’ve been talking day and night. He says he’s the quiet type. He had two very serious relationships in the past and claims that he’s very cautious about people because of that and I absolutely understand that.

We’d talk on call for hours and it honestly felt like he didn’t even want our calls to end. Three days ago we were talking on call and we both fell asleep and when we both woke up our call was still going and by the way he was talking it felt like he didn’t want me to leave so we had a wonderful chat.

But whenever we’d get along nicely he’d add a comment saying I’m too good for him, I don’t deserve someone broken like him and to not have any expectations from him. He claims I’m a “honey-trap” the kind that’s too sweet and he doesn’t want to ruin me and he doesn’t want to fall for me otherwise leaving me would hurt him a lot but then he says things like did you miss me? I know you’re starting to like me, Can I call you?

A week ago, he disappeared for an entire day and I got playfully mad at him. He said things like I promise it won’t happen again and he was doing it on purpose, he said that he’s staying away from me for his sake otherwise he’d fall hard???

Fast forward to yesterday. I texted him asking if everything was okay (because he was sick prior to that so I wanted to check in) He replied saying his dad was in the ICU because he had a paralysis attack. I understood because his dad is definitely not in the best condition. So I wished him well, I said if he or his family needed anything then I am here for them and him. He said thank you and since then he hasn’t replied to my texts. I wanted to know if his father was doing okay but no answer and I get it because a parent in the hospital is a very scary situation so he rightfully disappeared.

When he didn’t reply I went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning and checked my phone, nada. So later on I texted again asking if his dad was okay and again no reply and I was okay with that but then I open my facebook and I see him commenting on anime groups with laughing emojis, seems like he’s having the best conversation and the best time of his life.

So I’m wondering, is his dad actually hurt or he’s just using him as an excuse to stay away from me because he does not want to talk to me anymore?

I’ve decided not to text him until he replies because I don’t want to seem desperate. I was just genuinely worried about him and his family but if he can’t even take the time out to give a single yes or no reply I don’t think I should keep bothering him.

What would you recommend?

TLDR; Guy implies he’s starting to like me but then he keeps ignoring me. He might be using his dad as an excuse.

  1. If I were you, I would stop investing in this guy and move on. Who cares if his father is really sick—it doesn’t matter. Even if he’s deathly ill, his online comments directly show you that he could have updated you if he wanted to do so.

    He’s playing with you and your emotions, reeling you in and throwing you back out. Don’t let yourself get sucked into a relationship like that unless you want to feel this way for however long it lasts.

    Tell him you enjoyed getting to know him but don’t think dating him is going to work out for you. Then block him on all platforms because I guarantee that he will attempt to love bomb you back into being interested. It’s a game for him; don’t play it.

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