Im wondering if it’s only me…

  1. Oh yeah I totally feel you. Small talk hurts after a while because you can only talk like that for so long, right?

    That’s why I’m very careful with how I make friends these days. I like having deep and meaningful conversations, so I wanna make sure that I’m able to get really close to the people I let into my life so that we all feel comfortable exploring deeper topics.

    I feel relieved when I’m able to have deep conversations with others because that means they are truly my friends and I can trust them.

  2. Well they’re different types of skills. The more superficial small talk stuff is for the purpose of feeling a person out and finding something to connect on personally.

    The second type of conversation (deep, meaningful) is usually more cerebral in nature and explores themes and ideas. So it has a more intellectual bent. That’s why smart people/deep thinkers/introspective types are more drawn to that. It’s in their wheelhouse, and there’s less focus on the more emotion-based aspects of conversation.

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