As a dude I’m insanely jealous of that level of freedom, plus they look kind of dope.

  1. Because sometimes it’s cold, sometimes trousers look great, you get cat called a lot more by idiots in the street, you get more comments, and depending on the length it’s not very practical (need to watch how you walk, how you sit etc as to not flash people)

  2. Dude, try one on. They’re sooo comfy, especially when it’s hot out. I live in flowy skirts in summer

  3. i’m more tomboyish than feminine, i’ll wear them on a special occasion tho or if i’m going to the beach

  4. Some people have powerthighs and the thigh rub isnt worth the skirt, sometimes it’s too windy, and some people don’t like the femininity that skirts provide and prefer pants. Sometimes a skirt is just not the vibe for the day and a different outfit feels better.

  5. If you wanna wear a skirt, wear one!

    I don’t because I don’t want my legs out.

  6. They’re comfortable as hell but some days you need to be more practical. Ready to run in a moment’s notice, etc. lol.

    I think you could get away with wearing some of those dude yoga pants that look like MC Hammer pants if you’re trying to have some body/leg flow. I recently bought some and they’re so comfortable and I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing my underwear 🙃😂

  7. I used to love skirts and summer dresses because of the comfort factor, and if you got one with pockets – forget about it. Perfection.

    I didn’t always feel comfortable wearing them because I don’t like to be sexualized while I’m just going about my day, but after so long you learn to ignore comments. But yeah, they’re super comfortable. I always wore shorts under mine but also learned how to walk and hold one side so the wind didn’t show everyone my undershorts.

    One time on the bus ride home after work I sat down and I guess I didn’t do the hand behind my butt to ensure my skirt laid down properly because when I looked down you could see my whole slip (I had on a white skirt and always wore slips underneath light colored skirts). I was so embarrassed I didn’t take that bus route for a few months.

    Skirts are awesome, I just outgrew them. Now I wear primarily sweatpants and tshirts. Comfort is still important.

  8. Big gusts of wind make it annoying

    Plus they can get caught on stuff easily

  9. I don’t find them comfortable. Also, Canada. It’s way too cold in the winter.

  10. Wear what you want to! Skirts aren’t only for us, we encourage others even. I personally don’t wear them because of the wind.

  11. I don’t like skirts because my bone structure makes my thighs rub together and eats bike shorts/girlbriefs/etc. I also look shitty in skirts because I’m short with tree trunk legs.

  12. Because I have a hard time finding practical ones.

    I live on a farm. I wear Carhartts. If I could get that fabric, fit, and pockets in a skirt, I would!! I even tried making my own a few years back but couldn’t get it right.

  13. I own some skirts and dresses but won’t use them as much because people are fucking gross while riding public transportation. Last time I wore a dress it was because I was with my boyfriend and I know he would beat the fuck out of anyone disrespecting me.

  14. You can try a kilt my dude! There’s a company in Seattle that sells “utilikilts” and they are pretty awesome.

  15. Wear a kilt! You don’t even have to be Scottish. I’m very active in my Scottish Society, my husband is not Scottish, and for the first couple of years we dated, he said he wasn’t scottish, he didn’t want to wear one. Then I bought him one in US Army tartan. He’s a veteran. He loved it. He now has more kilts than I have kilted skirts!!!

  16. Just not very practical. Thigh rub can be a problem, depending on length you have to worry about flashing and be more aware of how you move and sit or wear shorts underneath which defeats the purpose, and since my work and hobbies both require protected legs I don’t even buy them any more. Plus it’s rare to find good skirts with good pockets, compared to pants.

    Guys can rock the skirt or kilt look though. Used to go out with a utilikilt fan who described them as “naked with pockets.”

  17. Because sometimes it’s cold out or I just don’t feel like wearing one.

  18. I prefer dresses over skirts, but sometimes it’s way too cold for either.

    Wear what you want.

  19. I haven’t worn a skirt since I was required to in school.

    If you like them so much, wear one. Men have been wearing skirts for centuries.

  20. Because my thunder thighs rub together and wearing shorts under a skirt kinda defeats the purpose of wearing a skirt to me.

  21. Because I’m limited in ways I can sit, I get cold easily, they rarely have pockets, & I’m short and petite so the only ones that ever fit are short skirts.

    But I think guys should wear whatever they want & that it makes a lot of sense for you to wear skirts. I imagine they’re great as a penis owner so I’m not sure why they’ve always been a female thing

  22. Because I don’t like them nearly enough to wear them all the time. I’m more of a once-a-week-at-most kinda person.

  23. I live in one of the windiest places in the world and I’m not especially interested in putting on a free show.

  24. Because I have no interest in skirts and dresses and haven’t worn any since I was a kid, I just prefer and feel more comfortable and practical wearing trousers.

    Don’t let your gender or sex stop you from wearing one or simply trying one out though!

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