I (20’sF) seem to have grown a mild obsession with fondling/caressing my partner’s balls. I find it very relaxing myself, I can easily do it for hours and just trance out. I have to hold myself back from doing it as often as I’d like (which is, like, near constantly) when we’re just hanging out in bed together. I’ve asked my partner multiple times if it’s okay and to tell me if they ever need me to stop, and they’ve assured me it’s fine & pleasurable. But I’m just wondering/worried if it can come across as annoying or frustrating? The ball caressing is 99% of the time separate from any ‘sexual’ act where you could achieve orgasm. I just find it extremely soothing to do while cuddling.

  1. >I’ve asked my partner multiple times if it’s okay and to tell me if they ever need me to stop, and they’ve assured me it’s fine & pleasurable.

    Stop there.

    Your wanting to ask other people means you’re ignoring the most important feedback you need: if your partner says “yeah, totally cool” then *it doesn’t matter what anyone else says.” You’re not going out with Anyone Else or playing with Anyone Else’s balls.

    Don’t fuel your own insecurities.

  2. I think most guys would only find it frustrating if there is no orgasm in there at some point. Constant teasing and keeping me erect for long periods might make me sore. If I can cum first it would probably feel good for a while but I would probably need to cum again after a while.

  3. It wouldn’t be annoying for me, in fact I’d find this amazing if my partner had such obsession. If you know how to fondle, which apparently is the case since he doesn’t complain… Just enjoy yourselves!!

  4. I don’t enjoy it at all. It tickles. So many partners have wanted to do it though. And I hate when I have to tell them.

    My partner has super sensitive nipples. She loves to have them stimulated (and i love to do that), until she doesn’t, at which point she would prefer to not have them touched at all.

    Know yourself. But also know your partner. Nothing is universal. Some people don’t even like kissing, which I have a hard time understanding because I love it. Everyone is different.

  5. Balls alone for too long might be too stimulating. If there’s a mix of balls and shaft, that sounds great. Balls alone without any priming is basically a tickle fest.

  6. I would love it. My partner used to do this. Whenever we slept we slept naked. She would fondle and just keep playing with my balls. The most pleasurable sensation.

  7. Never met a guy who complained if I did it. But I didn’t do it for like 30 mins straight or regularly

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