What sport are you good at?

  1. Cycling (track, road, mountain bike), gymnastics (balance beam), track and field (sprints). I’m pretty short, so I am pretty hopeless at tall people sports like volleyball or basketball.

  2. Running. Specially to the passenger seat to beat my sisters. I was pro when I was younger and I probably still have it in me.

  3. Track- more specifically long jump. I did it in middle school and then first year of HS. I was terrible at high jump though! I still run for exercise, but I’m not good at it.

  4. I’m a fairly decent middle distance runner for my age. Wasn’t allowed to do contact sports as a kid which sometimes bum me out. My friends play soccer together, but I have the ball-intelligence of a stale baguette.

  5. None of the above; hated PE in school always had crappy motor skills was speaking in full sentences before I could walk (walked at 18mnths) was ~~am~~ a funny runner think Phoebe but worse. Can’t catch used to cover my face or flail if ball thrown to me.

  6. I was really good at track but I was expected to work during high school so I never went anywhere with it. Kinda annoying of my parents.

  7. Obligatory not a lady disclaimer sentence. Also not sure if the question applies to competitive sports or not but I am a pretty decent fisherman. Almost 40 and have been soaking up the sport since I was about 10.

    I can catch fish most places I wet a line. Not the odd fish here and there, although those days happen, but hammering fish all day. Double headers, fish every cast for a half hour, stuff like that. I enjoy the challenge of reading the water, observing not just the fish but every other creature living in and around. They can give away clues that allow an angler to key in on a presentation or particular bait and before too long the angler has happily lost count of how many fish he’s netted.

    Sorry for the ramble. I’m a decent fisherman. But I learned what I know from people who are such incredible anglers that they’re writing their doctoral thesis on the mating and spinner cycle of the Blue Winged Olive Mayfly while I’m just starting a 6 month community college course on financial management because I failed CALM in high school three times. That’s the best way I can illustrate the gap in knowledge between myself and the true masters of the sport. I’m so baked right now please excuse my ramble.🤣🤣

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