What’s the most annoying thing about your SO?

  1. They’re terrible at parking. So in the grand scheme of things I’m glad that’s the most annoying thing about them.

  2. My fiancé is kind of an observant introvert but she’s very very bonded to me. So, as a byproduct she is very verbal in voicing her internal dialogue anytime we are home alone I get to hear *every* thought she has as I’m her only confidant in her thoughts in a way. It’s a great badge of honor in that she’s never shared that but I hear her Intrusive, personal, intimate thoughts and monologues constantly. I have 0 concerns as to what the woman is thinking about because she’s already told me. I love it most of the time, but my good lord she doesn’t need to announce every time she has to go pee three times in a row before she actually gets up while laying on the couch together.

    The other one is that her love language is physical touch and affection and again 99.99% of the time I love that but I can be doing some mundane task like doing laundry, cleaning or working in my office and she’ll come just follow me around teasingly and be like “whatcha doin babe?” And start jumping around and kissing me and wrapping herself around me and will start following me around the house as a means to halfway annoy me and halfway get my affection. Gets awkward when I’m trying to hop on a zoom call with my boss and she’s bouncing around trying to steal kisses. 😂

    But I love her to death wouldn’t trade it for the world but my lord I don’t need a hype woman following me around to clean dog hair off the wood floors. 😂

  3. She will complain and let anxiety get the best of her for days about “all the stuff” she has to do around the house and then I end up doing it so that she stops and chills out.

  4. I love her to death, but she tends to hyper focus on whatever she is currently doing especially when she’s with her friends, a lot of whom live in different states than her. So there’s times where she can be spending a weekend with her friend and I don’t hear from her all weekend.

  5. She doesn’t want to rely on me for more things. She will try to do so much on her own, will get tired and discouraged, possibly even getting depressed.

    She will sometimes wait until the last minute to ask for help. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping out, it would just be better if she would realize this sooner.

    I don’t think it is safe for everyone involved trying to have me scramble to 5 stores in under 2 hrs trying to gather up all the items she wanted/needed for an event.

  6. What’s more annoying is this question being asked daily in this subreddit.

    Even worse OP asked this twice today in this subreddit.

  7. Absolutely oblivious to the passing of time and my strict schedule. She’ll tell me she’s on her way home, when what she really means is that she’s got a few more items to shop for before checking out and then 2 more stops to make before she’s actually driving towards the house.

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