Turned 30 this year, purely just focusing on responsibilities because I need to get myself together (after 4 years of post-concussion syndrome).

My days are extremely boring. I wake up, I work out for 40 minutes to an hour. I work full-time. Then I do homework for university. I’m only in the office once a week, so I work on the computer and then I do school on the computer. Basically on the computer all day.

It’s really depressing and boring. I struggle immensely with depression, there are times where I can catch myself about to cry when I think of certain things, but I just keep focusing on the next task, and the next task, and the next task. My list of things to do is endless.

What keeps me going is maybe one day if I keep working and finish my education (another 4 years before I finish…), I can find a life in the country of my ethnicity (i’m not from there). This is my goal/dream. I want to one day get married and have kids, maybe in the next 3-5 years.

Wondering how other adults are handling their day-to-day lives? And if you have any advice on coping when grinding hard to succeed?

  1. 31/M/S/WFH

    I wake up around seven. I either gym or take my dog on a walk and then to a fancy dog park I can also work at. Depending on the temperature and responsibilities that day I will work there from 8 AM to around noon.

    After the park I got home for lunch and more work. Most days I will stay home, but sometimes I will go to the coffee shop.

    I work untill around 5 or 6 and I leave for Jiu Jitsu. That wraps around 8. Then back home for dinner.

    Shower, video games and bed

  2. You might need hobbies to survive growing up. I got into Battlebots, mountain biking, dirt biking, unicycling, rock climbing and bouldering, machining, CNCing, laser building. Eventually that led me to moving to Vegas so that I could experience all the joys of a city with the great outdoors and wilderness shortly beyond the city limits.

    Now I’m pretty much into so many hobbies and activities I hardly get to do them all in a month, and they keep me in shape beyond the gym (fucking boring there 😂)

  3. 33/M/Hybrid WFH.

    I wake up around 7-8am. Shower/get dressed, then I make an omelette and brew some tea. I take my dog out to poop, and make sure I get a solid 10 mins of sun during that by letting em walk around.

    Work from 9-4ish, taking a break around 2pm for a lunch snack (usually Greek yogurt with some granola or a Quest bar if I’m on a crunch).

    After work I kick back for an hour and catch up on my favorite YouTube channels or fire up a video game. Girlfriend gets home from work by 5ish. We have dinner then go for a 3 mile walk on the trail (w/doggo) behind our apartment complex.

    I just built a garage gym so I’m going to start weaving in lift sessions during that time slot.

    Afterwards I shower and then either watch a show/movie with the gf, lay pipe and/or play video games until I go to bed around 11pm, some times as late as midnight.

    I’m relatively happy, but I do plan on joining my local BJJ gym soon. I trained for 5 years during my 20’s but moved and fell off the wagon. Now I’m hesitant to get back into it in fear of getting my leg shattered by a kneebar or ankle lock, lol.

    On the weekends I try to hang out with friends at least once, even though I don’t have much in common with them besides rooting for the same sports teams. I’ll join them at whatever pub they’re at to fill up my social meter then dip (1-2 beers at most, low carb stuff like a Michelob Ultra).

    Life can sometimes seem boring and uneventful, but I’m grateful for what I have, especially my health atm. Shit can always be worse.

    It does sound like you need some hobbies. They’re a good distraction from the chaos that can fester in our minds.

    Edit: Also, don’t feel bad about still being in school at 30. I got my bachelors at 31 and it was a game changer for me, allowing me to work in tech and not worry too much about money.

  4. I don’t have advice, but I can empathize. I get up at 2:30pm, maybe eat some breakfast if I’m up a little early, drive to work and do eight to nine hours split between data entry, auditing paperwork and getting lost in my phone, I come home between 1am-2am, maybe do a chore or two before I get lost in my computer until between 5-6:30am, go to bed and fall asleep somewhere around 6:30-8am, then wake up and do it all again. First day of my weekend is a write-off because I am half dead from sleep deprivation for the week so it’s largely napping and being useless not doing much, second day off I do whatever chores I need to get back on track for the coming week – laundry, cooking – and then I might do something I actually enjoy instead of idly wasting time out of exhaustion. This is when I might have a friend over. Then we do the whole week over again.

    I don’t really have anything keeping me going. I’m not aiming for anything, I don’t want anything positive, I’m mostly just floating aimlessly through life. My mood largely depends on if I’m lost in some escapist bullshit or not, hence me saying “getting lost” in my devices; if I’m living my life I’m prone to getting caught up in my own thoughts and feelings and having dramatic mood swings. It’s not great.

  5. 43/m/hybrid work schedule

    I get up at 4:30. On the days I’m in the office, I get there before 6:30. Work until 4. Drive home, work out, make dinner. Read before bed. Lights out by 9.

    On the days I wfh, I get up at the same time but hit a local coffee shop for a coffee and read for 45 minutes. Work the same hours and same after work routine.

    Weekends I get together with friends/family. Run errands, do housework, hit the farmers market. Will usually watch a movie one night. Cooks some good meals.

    It’s a simple life, but it’s alright.

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