What does being a 21st Century Woman mean to you?

  1. The ability to be an independent person and not forced to be nothing but a wife and mother.

  2. Whatever I want it to be. I am lucky enough to live in a place where I have the choice. If that means a housewife in pearls, a mechanic in flannel, or retail worker in polo and khaki, it’s still my choice. ( Knowledge and skills for certain jobs not withstanding)

    I can be single, married, the strange cat / dog lady on the block. Kids, no kids. My choice (In so long as nothing medical forbids the kids and happening to meet a partner that I want to share my life with happens)

    Whatever choices I make, and the consequences that come with them, they are mine. For better or worse.

  3. * You live your life *for yourself*, not for other people.

    * You decide *for yourself* when and whether to have children and how many (if any) to have.

    * You dress in clothes that make *you* happy.

    * You decide whether to work outside the home, or whether to be a stay-at-home parent.

    * If you are partnered, you don’t love your spouse/SO because you “need” them in your life. You need them in your life because you love them.

    * You’re with them because you *want* to be, not because you “have to” be.

    * And if you’re *not* married or in a relationship? It’s not the end of the world. You might (or might not) *like* to get into a relationship, but it would be the icing on an already amazing cake, not the cake itself.

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