Okay, guys, I (31F) have a dilemma and I need your opinion, if you don’t mind. Sounds really simple bit I can’t quite make a firm decision.. yet.

Today, I received a follow request from a total stranger on Instagram. I asked, “Do I know you?” I was genuinely curious because he might be a friend of a friend or someone I worked with. Anyway, the answer was no. He saw my profile out of the blue. Not sure how true that is or how that can happen since my account is set to private. The guy is engaging and knows how to have a conversation. Feeling torn if I should let him follow me on my social media because I’m notoriously private and picky about who I share that info with.

Torn because I’ve been wanting to make friends and meet new people to expand my horizon. Sounds stupid and doesn’t make sense but help a girl out, please? Thank you!

  1. Related anecdote….

    I’ve a friend(F) who got a friend request on FB out of the blue. Had no idea who the guy was, etc. Asked “do I know you?” Blah blah…. Turned out the dude was trying to track down an old HS friend who happened to have the same name as my friend and was just taking a chance that it was her (it wasn’t, obviously). Somehow in that conversation they sorta hit it off.

    No, they didn’t get married, date, or anything of the sort. But over a decade later they are pretty good friends who periodically get together for drinks or whatever.

    So I wouldn’t just write the guy off as a creep. I think the first order of business would be to find out how he saw your profile and go from there.

  2. I’ve made friends off of social media, but all happened organically. You’re in a similar hobby, area, etc and you end up conversing about it then following each other. I’d be very skeptical of someone who randomly stumbled across you with zero prior connections reaching out.

  3. Seems creepy and if you are as private as you say this seems like a no brainer: don’t accept the follow. Meet people IRL instead.

  4. Honestly not a side I see in my fellow guys, nor is it a side they discuss with me, you may be better off asking other women about their experiences with that.

    Best I can say is his intention with you is obvious- probably thought you were attractive and wanted to follow up. Where that could lead to? Couldn’t tell you honestly. Just keep your wits about you, sounds like you’re already doing that though.

    Oh, and 0.1% chance this is the case, but if he ever starts talking about crypto currency and eventually asks for you to download an app or spend money, dude’s a scammer. There’s been a handful of scams targeting single women regarding that recently.

  5. It all depends, I receive many friends request from IG I am not set to private yet I am picky who I allow to see my content too. I think it comes down to a few factors or a series of questions that you have to ask.
    1) Do I know this person?
    2) Are they friend of a friend?
    3) Is there anything within my profile that could lead them to discover who I really am or where I might live?
    4) If the guy is Married, engaged or in a relationship ask yourself why would they want to be your friend? What is their motive, unless they are a friend or work associate then you might not want them to have access to you.

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