Would you immediately condemn it and take sides with the country that is being invaded? Would you feel that the international community should punish both countries much like how Russia has been punished? What do you feel the US response to such an invasion be?

  1. In Taiwan we would need to scramble the aircraft, bring the USN to bear, and start going full shooting gallery on the PLAN in the Strait if the CCP makes any moves against the ROC.

    India and Pakistan has a high chance of going nuclear so I think the whole world would be demanding a peaceful settlement ASAP.

  2. I will not pretend to know what the right course of action is, however I can tell you that if those countries do that, my opinion of them would plummet and I would fully support sanctions at a minimum.

  3. The US would defend Taiwan militarily, not just send weapons.

    India and Pakistan both have nukes, so everyone in the world should be trying to get peace as soon as possible.

  4. India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons. Neither can win, both can lose. Neither needs our help.

    I’d hope we started sending Taiwan all the missiles we can find if China moves against them at a minimum.

  5. My *personal* reaction would be:

    If China invaded Taiwan I would support direct US military intervention against China

    If Pakistan and India went at it: not clear. Neither one is a particularly close ally. We have stronger economic ties with India but Modi is no friend. I’d guess I’d be inclined to eat popcorn and let them fight it out.

  6. Defend Taiwan. Let India and Pakistan duke it out, and hope it doesn’t go nuclear.

  7. If communist China invaded Taiwan, I would do the same thing I did when Russia invaded Ukraine, both in 2014 and 2022. I would attend protests, donate to charities for Taiwan’s sake, and constantly follow the news to monitor what was going on on the battlefield.

    The India-Pakistan conflict is, admittedly, something I know a lot less about than the China-Taiwan conflict and much, much less than the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If full-blown war or invasion broke out between those countries, I believe I would be a lot more neutral, but I would want the armed conflict stopped ASAP.

  8. My reaction would probably be bigger to China invading Taiwan, to be honest.

    The reactions to both would best be summarized as “oh, *shit*”, however.

  9. Taiwan? Probably a cassus belli.

    Pakistan? A shrug of the shoulders, because nothing could make that country a bigger basketcase.

    The difference is the United States’ vital interests being involved.

  10. The United States has long been a key ally of Taiwan and has supported its defense. If Taiwan is invaded, the United States would face pressure to respond. It could choose to provide military support to Taiwan, which might include deploying troops, providing equipment, or conducting joint military exercises. This would likely escalate tensions between the United States and China, potentially leading to a more confrontational relationship and a deterioration of diplomatic ties.

    For both India and Pakistan, they’re nuclear-armed nations, and any large-scale military confrontation between them raises the risk of a nuclear exchange. This would have severe consequences not only for South Asia but also for global security. The international community, including the United States, would likely work to prevent such a scenario and engage in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation.

  11. My personal reaction to China invading Taiwan will greatly depend on whether or not I’m out of the Navy when the war starts.

    Although even if I did get out in time, there is still a chance I will be recalled to active duty when the fighting starts anyway.

  12. My response would be to run for the hills, and as far away as possible from either conflict. They would turn into major world wars, and I need to be somewhere that the word “draft” only refers to a sudden stiff breeze.

  13. Give them the same response at minimum. Taiwan would be war with China. Those processors can not be controlled by China.

  14. For China with Taiwan yes. I am not convinced the world would be so ready to help Pakistan though

  15. Obviously less media attention since they are both far from Europe

    And I still think the head of State of Ukraine is an Idiot .

  16. Taiwan invasion would be easily seen before hand and pacific militaries can easily help Taiwan defend and prepare its defense. Invading an Island is very risky and 1 ship sunk is hundreds dead.

  17. Any country initiating a Russia-style unprovoked invasion of another country should be internationally condemned and sanctioned.

    US response to Taiwan would be similar to Ukraine (possibly even stronger) because, similar to Ukraine, it is both a US ally and a subject of strategic geopolitical interest. We might directly intervene.

    As far as India and Pakistan though, neither country is really a US ally and both countries are very clear about that fact both in their public rhetoric and how they conduct themselves on the world stage. So, we don’t have the same obligation there at all.

    Plus, those are both nuclear states. It’s probably best to not get involved. Let those two countries’ own allies respond to that.

  18. The PRC invading Taiwan: the US would be involved in a shooting war. We may have “Strategic Ambiguity” as an official policy, but come on. We all know this.

    India/ Pakistan? Sanctions. Neither one is a friend. Modi is a bad guy, but they both have nuclear weapons.

  19. India-Pakistan war would basically make me resigned to a nuclear eventuality. China invading Taiwan would definitely provoke a much larger reaction for me than Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, mostly due to cultural relevance, a much healthier democracy, and its much higher importance to the US economy.

    Idk if I would go as far as to want to join Taiwan as a direct belligerent in such a war, but I would be a lot more open to that outcome than I would be in the other 2 scenarios

  20. If Taiwan gets invaded, that’s a Western people and ally, not to mention a clear line in the sand for us and an important international trade partner. You best believe we are turning the fuck up!

    In the case of India invading Pakistan, other than the extreme problem with a potential nuclear exchange also potentially bringing in a nuclear armed China, and my dislike of Modi’s regressive populist bullshit, I frankly hope the Indians give them hell. Couldn’t happen to a better ally /s

  21. China will probably invade Taiwan so we will see how that goes then. Everyone will condemn it but Chinese government won’t care at all. There won’t be much the world can do to economically hurt China. Not doing business with a country that makes most of what you use doesn’t seem to be an easy thing to do.

  22. Yes, yes, and I think the US should support the invaded countries according to our treaty obligations, their requests for aid, and within the bounds of our own self-interest.

  23. China and Taiwan?

    I think it’s possible the US would lose thousands within a short period of time as it defends Taiwan. However, the Chinese would lose tends of thousands, maybe even a hundreds of thousand depending on how it approached the war.

    Afterward, it would be crippled for a long time and barring weakness from the US administration/populace, would not win the war.

    India invading Pakistan? The US would likely just sit back and plead for a peaceful end.

  24. If it’s Taiwan we’re going to war, so let’s just all hope it doesn’t go hot.

    If it’s India, I think people would side with those being invaded but the government might be a different more nuanced story

  25. Both Taiwan and Pakistan are sovereign nations, so yea..it’s definitely not ok for their larger and more powerful neighbor to claim them because at some point in history they were part of those nations.

  26. To be honest. If Taiwan is invading I support defending them and scrambling the Navy/Air Force whatever. We need to draw a line somewhere. If India invaded Pakistan….I would care because of the fact that a coworker I think is chill is from there and it wouldn’t be cool but, I wouldn’t recommend us getting involved.

  27. Taiwan would be a shooting war with us involved as it’s a strategic place. Pakistan is a nuclear armed backwater. We’d use strong words of diplomacy and not sweat it too much.

  28. I’d probably be cursing and hating living here tbh. I’m already at risk because people blame Asians for COVID, I don’t need more hate thrown my way if China and Taiwan get into it.

  29. If China invaded India, I would care about the conflict as much as I do with the one in Ukraine. I’d care about us supporting whatever country isn’t China without the loss of life for our US soldiers. However, an attack on Taiwan would be considered an attack on the US with how many Americans are there in the country. I’d join the service if they invaded any of the pacific or southeast Asian countries due to the strong US presence

  30. Yes, yes, aggressive aid, deterrence, and the possibility of direct intervention.

  31. Well, I already think China and India are awful places run by shitty people, so it would be the same as my reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Fuck ‘em, they’re the bad guys.

  32. If it was Pakistan I really wouldn’t care that much they harbored the Taliban and Al Qaeda within their territory and even fought with them at some points

    Taiwan yeah it would be similar probably greater considering we’d be at war

    Idk nuclear war would suck for sure but I think I’m out of the way of most fallout zones

  33. India has no need to invade Pakistan. This will only lead to mutual destruction if war goes nuclear. Irrespective of the leader in power, India will not risk impact to its growing economy by invading Pakistan. There is nothing to gain by invading a country that is bankrupt and has internal turmoil. The question is very illogical as there is no precedence.

    Historically, in all India-Pakistan wars, it’s always been the Pakistani side which has initiated the wars. Whenever Pakistani army has been challenged by political establishment, they have waged a war on India to maintain power. If Pakistan does wage a limited war, I expect US ruling establishment to be wise and support India. Pakistan is in pro-China group. If US has to solidify relations with India, it has to support India in any skirmishes or wars with Pakistan and/or China. American under Nixon was on the wrong side. US supported Pakistan in 1971 Bangladesh liberation war. This mistake can’t be repeated.


    China attacking Taiwan is a more real possibility. I expect US to support Taiwan.

  34. The two are not the same, Pakistan is a full member of the United Nations.

    Taiwan is China’s territory in the United Nations system,

    and all Taiwanese must hold Chinese documents to enter the United Nations.

    To join an international organization, Taiwan must use the name [Chinese Taipei]

  35. The last thing this country needs is to get into a conflict. We got our side of the world locked down, let’s worry about that and let China have their side. One island isn’t worth the lives it’ll take to protect it.

  36. I would honestly be even more shocked than when Russia invaded. Russia has been kind of a loose unpredictable screw since the USSR broke up so I don’t think it was out of character for them to invade another nation. China and India on the other hand seem to give at least 1 fuck about what the world thinks of them.

  37. The reason China doesn’t invade Taiwan is the fifty miles of open sea.

    In the history of warfare, there have been very few successful opposed sea landings, and all the successful ones were obscenely costly.

    China is not serious about invading Taiwan. They aren’t serious, because they aren’t furiously building landing ships every day like America did. That’s what it would take. It’d take thousands of ships, pressing through a wall of missiles and land artillery. They’d reach the land, sure, but by the time the first PLA soldier touched Taiwanese beach, there’d already be a million dead behind him on burning, sinking ships.

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