firstly you guys should know im 17 and my group of friends is core gen z (2004-2007)

lets just say i have been with this group for over a decade. So real long. through the years everytime someone would initiate a conversation it would always turn into an all night chatting. But lately they leave me on read. It doesn’t bother me because i know some people are busy and have stuff to do so im fine with it. However sometimes they take days to respond and that irritates me because i always try to make time for them. They don’t even respond to some important things at all for example one friend from the group literally left me on read when i told him that he left alot of money in my house after visiting, his mom is asking me to tell you to go home.

Now i send them the most simple of things like wassup. And they will respond 40 hours later telling me that they were very busy to even look at their phone, while i would secretly tell the other friend to send them a message and they would respond almost instantly and endearingly.

Also we would go out to places very regularly but i see on some of their insta that they are going with the same people in our friend group. While i didn’t get invited for some reason. The last time we went out together was my actual birthday where i invited them lol so they had to come.

And now they have the audacity to ask me for a favor and look up some info for them and heavily research or make me go to a meetup for a facebook marketplace purchase when they are the one buying. When we meet in real life we dont even talk to each other and even do eye contact AT ALL. But ironically are very active online.

It seems that they are really enjoying each other without me. tagging each other on posts where i used to also be tagged in.

I haven’t done anything wrong to them not a single time. It’s not like how it used to be.

Maybe i just fell out of relevance. Because i am deathly scared of talking to new people, an introvert, quiet. Most of all probably because i am not in the same league as their social skills. They all have girls, multiple exes while i never had a girl. They live a fast life going to popular places, city life stuff, exploring abandoned buildings, no vices but they have alot of fun. While i prefer to stay indoors and just workout (i have a home gym).

I don’t really care anymore, im just gonna get jacked, ignore all the bullshit, advance my educational prowess, become popular in school, rich and maybe they will come back running but i wont look back no more.

1 comment
  1. Okay, well, sounds like you have a plan. But I just want to make a few comments. Being a quiet introvert WILL get you ignored in many, if not most groups. You’ve been fortunate to have them for a long time, but what this experience is telling you is you’ll need to level up your social skills for the next phase of life. Otherwise you’ll blend into the scenery.

    Second thing is, it appears you’ve been friends with ‘a group’ for a while now. However, are any of these people individual close friends? That element seems to be missing. In the adult world (which you are rapidly approaching) individual friendships come first, group stuff is available too, but generally you HAVE to rely on making close personal friends to get that to work for you.

    That means making one-on-one close personal friends. Start with one, and expand outward. It can be in this group, or it can be elsewhere, but learning to make a good friend is essential.

    Not sure if you’re going to be in school next year, but if you are there should be plenty of opportunities to make new friends.

    I’ll add a link to an article I’ve written that might help break you out of your doldrums:

    ###[What To Do If You’re Socially Invisible](

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