how often do ppl tell u ur pretty?

  1. Regularly. Even from strangers. Except for the regrow period directly after getting a buzzcut to donate my hair.

  2. When I was thinner, much more often. I get it every now and then tho, but it feels a bit disingenuous coming from people at parties.

  3. Never, I’m not pretty. My boyfriend calls me beautiful and I see the beauty in me, but I’m not pretty.

  4. I don’t think anyone has ever called me pretty. I have an average face. When I was younger I cleaned up pretty nice, but I’ve gained weight since then and I don’t like makeup or super girly clothes, so I tend to just be unassuming to people. I’m burnt out from trying so hard to be pretty as a teen and young adult only to constantly have my self esteem pecked apart. I remember when I was a teenager, I got a job in a restaurant and they stopped giving me hours. My mom causally said “well I’ve seen the people who work there and that manager only hires pretty girls anyway.” Really messed with my self esteem. My mom would regularly comment on how beautiful my friends are but never said it to me ever. Not that long ago I made a comment that I’m ugly and she was shocked and said “why would you think that?”

  5. All the time. Even to the point it gets uncomfortable and messes with my head. And they always have some celebrity they compare me to.

  6. My bf and I call myself pretty, beautiful, lovely everyday.

    Relatives call me pretty 1-2 times per month when they visit.

    A few guys/girls slide in my DM from time to time to call me pretty.

    Now this is the highlight, I’m in a group chat on discord and this lady said “oh the pretty lady is here”. Now this is a huge server, I’m saying over a million members and thousands were online and at least 20 of us were actively talking in the chat. I definitely ain’t gonna assume she meant me.
    Everyone was talking and 10 mins later, she replied to my message in the group chat “when I said the pretty lady was online earlier, I meant you because you’re really pretty” it was so nice.

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