what was something wholesome that a long term partner did that gave you butterflies all over again

  1. This is a pretty small silly thing my now fiancé and I did a little over a month ago but it meant a lot to me.

    I happened to pop into a local bar after a round of golf with a few of of my friends and a couple of my friends who were visiting from out of twos I haven’t seen in awhile.

    Out of happenstance, my fiancé, one of my friends with us’ wives, and her other friend also happened to show up at that bar about 15 minutes after we had got there and neither of knew the other was going to be there.

    At one point, she jokingly ordered my favorite drink and had it sent to me from across the bar by a bartender we both knew and he said “she wanted me to send this to the hottie across the bar” and she did this cheesy ass wink thing.

    Right after, she came over and started playfully fake hitting on me like she didn’t know me and eventually said “but seriously, walking in here with all these people, I had no idea you were here, and you’re the very first thing that immediately caught my eye and I can’t keep my eyes off of you”.

    It was more of a playful thing but it meant a lot to be affirmed that she still feels the same about me as the first day we met and that I’m still good enough for her.

    More importantly was the timing. I was planning to (and did) purpose to her that Monday and I was kind of getting the jitters and letting those “am I enough” thought creep in and that settled me a lot.

  2. Her giddiness just always gets me. She still wants to snuggle and be held by me even though I’m not the easiest cohabitant. When she does that I just feel a release and take a moment to be thankful for everything.

  3. We were laughing over a joke. Don’t even remember what it was. She said her cheeks hurt from laughing so much. Mine did also. This led to more laughter and more cheek pain. If there is a good kind of pain that is it.

  4. I had a super long week at work and she made me a bunch of lunches to take with me, and bought some microwaveable meals so I have something to eat when I get home.

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