For context we were sitting on his couch this am, just doing our usual thing… giggling and cuddling. We have only been together 2.5 months but we have an amazing connection and spend a lot of time together. He looked at me and said “this feels really good… us together” and I agreed. He looked down and mumbled I love you (I think) but it was quiet and indirect and I couldn’t be 100% sure. It almost felt as if he was saying it to himself. I didn’t know how to respond so I just kissed him. I have been waiting to hear him say it, and I would say it back. But… I don’t know for sure if he said it! I fe uncomfortable bringing it up becuase two weeks ago he said it was too early to say it. He’ll say things like “I’m absolutely crazy about you, not quite ready to say the L word said but your perfect” blah blah. So I’m scared to bring it up first because I’m afraid of rejection/not hearing it back. Do I just pretend like nothing happened and wait for him to say it again more directly?

  1. My gf once said it the first time after an orgasm.

    Been married 15 years now- still rib her about it. 😂😂😂

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