Knew a girl from high school and the word spread that she got trained by 5 other dudes in a hotel room during graduation. That was about 7 years ago. A photo of her and her boyfriend popped up on my instagram and a random thought I had was “I wonder if she told him about that”.

  1. I’d struggle with it. But retroactive jealousy is a bastard if your head works a certain way.

  2. “Word spread”

    Probably bullshit. But I couldn’t care less about something that happened before we were together.

  3. It’s a huge dealbreaker, I just don’t do LTR’s with women like that. They are a total different thing for me, FWB or platonic, nothing more. I know it’s popular on reddit to be totally open about anything like that in a woman’s past, and if we are not we are horrible people. I’m just not going to enter a loving relationship with a woman who’s done something like that.

  4. I personally don’t think you should have to list out every sexual encounter you’ve ever had to every new person you get with

  5. I wouldn’t seriously date a woman who had a train ran on her. Casual date aka Casual fucking sure, but beyond that……I’ll pass.

  6. Probably would be deal breaker to me. People who say past doesn’t matter are wrong. Past is the best tool we have for predicting future

  7. So this is a rumour, yes? You don’t actually have proof.

    It’s just as likely that someone just made this up to hurt her and you believed it like an idiot?

  8. I could probably get over it depending on the manner in which I found out about it

  9. Depends how close I am to the fire.

    If it happened in her hometown that she hasn’t lived in for year, I doubt I’d care.

    But if it were more recent and someone I know was involved… that could get awkward.

  10. Me personally? It’s a dealbreaker. I’ve turned down threesomes because it’s not my thing. A partner who would do that or more will not be a good match for me, regardless of whether or not it’s “in the past”.

  11. It’s likely a number of women you’ve been interested in have done some hardcore things in the past.

    Personally, I’d have certain sexual expectations after hearing this. Is the sex great? Then fuck it it was long ago. If the sex is dry….I got trust issues.

  12. Big dealbreaker. No thank you. If she’s giving some to everyone, then nothing is sacred at all to her.

  13. Hey hey, we gotta find out what kind of train this is. For all we know it was 4 gay guys and she was at the back eatin ass. Or maybe she was in the front, followed by 1 bi-guy, then 3 gay guys.
    So we talking about a gangbang or a train ala human-centipede style?

  14. Most people probably shouldn’t be judged for their entire life based on stupid things they do when they are 18. Murder a guy—sure. Have a drunken orgy, probably not.

  15. There are lots of other great girls out there who haven’t been gangbanged. I’d probably go for one of them.

  16. Rumor. High school…literal minor. Underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. Graduation party…alcohol likely involved. A lot of these types of “events” turn out to be non consensual due to the girl being deliberately inebriated to the point of black out. I can’t imagine judging anyone who may have been the victim of that.

  17. It’s not something I’d be worried about, people have a past – and just because you’re with someone now you can’t blame them for things they’d done in the past.

    Honestly though I think I’d rather be with someone that had an experience like that (or had tried some things) and was open to explore or try things to keep it fresh over someone that would be just a boring starfish with no sexual experience.

  18. Poor girl, you don’t even know the context. It may be untrue or she might have been paralytic drunk.

  19. I knew a girl this happened to in college difference was she was super drunk, unconscious and it was basketball players, – she dropped out of college and it fucked up her life- one of my regrets in life is that I looked at it completly different then I do now. I think my attitude then was “she shouldnt have gotten that drunk” I am super ashamed to admit that but its the truth, the fact of the matter was this girl was unconscious in a bathroom and the boys dragged her out and took her in a room and what would now be called sexual assault.

  20. If it’s true and I found out, I wouldn’t date her. You mever know with these things, couls just be a rumour because some guys couldn’t get with her, unless you have proof, I would let this go.

  21. You put that in the passive voice. Did she consent? Sounds like gang rape to me.

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