Me (26F) has been thinking about asking a co-worker (30M) from another team to be FWB. How I do I even start the conversation?

First of all, the company doesn’t have any rules about relationships between employees. We’ve had a lot of chats about sex, there’s been flirting, the what-i’d-do-to you, and sht-i-should-have-made-the-first-move on both sides. However, he’s made it clear in the past he’s not a relationship guy and due to personal stuff that happened in his life, he drinks pretty heavily and that’s a big trigger for me in a partner.

But I’ve been single for years now (not for a lack of trying) and if I can’t get a bf, at least I want to experience some good sex in the mean time (my experience so far has been pretty disappointing) with someone I feel I’d feel safe doing it.

But, how do I bring this up? Since Covid he’s been working remotely back in his home town and rarely comes to the office, despite getting his own place in the city. Not that I’d be comfortable asking him about this at the office. So, how do I proceed?

  1. I doubt the sex is good if he drinks a lot, and FWBs is something that a sexual relationship can turn into.

    So 1st step is invite him back to your place and pounce on him. If he keeps coming back and doesn’t want a monogamous romantic relationship, then you’ve got your FWB!

  2. A simple message like, “Would you want to grab a coffee on Saturday?”

    Once I’ve got them in person, I’m usually cheeky/direct about what I’m interested in. Certainly easier if you’ve already discussed sex, and what you’d do to eachother. “So what do you think of a more regular coffee? Except there’d be no coffee.”

  3. From a random guys perspective. Id rather you cut to the chase. If you ask me out to dinner or coffee im going to assume you want more then a fwb(only exception would probably be asking to go out for drinks). If being direct in person or over the phone is difficult then maybe start up a text conversation that end up being more sexual in nature. Once there it will be pretty easy to elude to the fact that you want to fuck but nothing serious

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