What is one thing about “alpha/sigma males” that men and women can both universally agree on?

  1. If it’s self referential that’s a red flag so big you would have to colourblind to miss it.

  2. That the whole sigma thing was the caricature and parody of the whole alpha/beta thing, but boys took it seriously and made it their personality.

  3. I used to think a lot about the whole concept of “alpha” when I was in my teens and early twenties. As I’ve got older I have realised how stupid it all is. I’m 35 now, and I don’t think I have heard that term in real life for 10+ years.

    Its such a weird concept. Just focus on becoming comfortable with yourself and being comfortable in showing your personality. Its fine to not be the centre of attention everywhere you go. Its fine to not be the richest, loudest, funniest, most fit, most charming person in the room. Its fine to show vulnerability and emotion.

    The people that I have come across in my more adult life who appeared to care a lot about that stuff have been just plain annoying to be around, and tend to have less meaningful friendships.

  4. That the words Alpha and Sigma are the dumbest thing ever and we really need to stop using them.

  5. That most men hate it because when they compare themselves to the hierarchy they end up at the bottom

  6. People whom feel offended by the word ‘alpha ‘ always get so emotional over this topic .their are alphas n beta in every species,to pretend like humans are any difference is not only dishonest it’s self sabotaging

  7. People always misuse the Greek letter sigma, they assume because of the resemblance to to a modern E that it’s actually an Epsilon

  8. I only date alpha sigma males and the guys who cringe -are the ones no one wants. They also cannot ask a girl out because they are scared of “rejection,” cannot plan a date, dont know what side of the street to walk on, cannot protect , etc. let the weaklings who need to ask permission for boys night the beta boys stay to the left. not interested now let see how many men get mad about me speaking the truth, no one cares that some kid beat you up in high school that isnt my definition of alpha

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