So me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 3 months now and within in this time she has called me cute a handful of times. Once in a while I’ll send a picture of me at work and she respond “You’re so cute.” That’s about it though as far as compliments. When we’re alone and I take my shirt off she will say stuff “Let me have that in my mouth.” Or random moments when she will say “I love you.”

I wouldn’t have a problem with those as much if 1. I didn’t constantly shower her compliments. I’ll tell her how hot/pretty/cute she looks and I’m the luckiest guy alive to be with her. I’m always trying to give her stuff like that. 2. The only time she calls people hot is when she referred to her ex. (When she was sad one day, she said for a moment she missed how hot her ex was, but this was a one off moment) or when she talks about her ex crushes or celebrities. When she talks about celebrities she will stay stuff like “I WANT HIM TO BAD. ID LET HIM DO THINGS TO ME”

All of that combined with the fact she only calls me cute but can say all these things about her ex, celebrities and her used to be crushes it starts to feel like I’m only with her because she needs emotional support.

TLDR: I give my girl compliments all the time and the most she says back is a handful of “You’re cute”

  1. There are the 5 love languages (google them). You spread your love through compliments while she could spread through something else. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you, perhaps she spreads her love in other ways.

  2. the comment she made abt her ex is kinda weird…. anyway have you outright told her you’d appreciate more compliments? start there and see if she listens

  3. don’t settle, be with someone who desires you deeply instead of fan girling over literally everyone else but their partner

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